Friday 30 December 2016

The Toxic Twins and Freezing Fog

So its been pretty cold lately......scooping ice off the water cold. But the sun has been out, somewhat warming us up.  Xmas Day we gave everyone a xmas feed. Boxing Day we moved the big ponies into the 4-Acre field....Our Winter grazing. The 3 smaller ponies are grazing off the whole of the Hill Field plus having a lot of Hay. 
We wanted to go for a xmas day ride........but Jo and I are The Toxic Twins. Jo has a chest infection and is swigging anti-biotics followed by a Steroid Chaser, and I have my annual Xmas Cold.  Full of snot and as weak as a new-born.
So just the basic care is enough at the moment. Normal people would be in bed.
But we are not normal.....we have horses.  They need looking after, no matter what.  As I always say 'Fresh Air never killed anyone'......except maybe Scott of The Antarctic.....and errr people dying of exposure, hypothermia....Ok pass me a spade!
And so today we had freezing fog. The first time i have felt really cold.  Numb fingers an all.  Checking the weather app (rather than going by feel), it said -3.
We upgraded Pollys rug, being old and somewhat bad-tempered with the Shetlands.  Armed with thicker rugs for the big ponies we found the more sheltered 4-Acre field much warmer.  The ponies all felt warm enough in just lightweight macs, so we left them happily munching on the still longish grass and went home to spend the afternoon on our respective sofas, swaddled in blankets and dogs.

Saturday 24 December 2016

An Exciting Buy and Merry Xmas From Us xx

Well what an exciting time.....Jo has only gone and bought a lorry. Its well cute. Ford Iveco, 2 horse, side loader. We went and picked him up last Saturday...I had the easier task of following her back in her Subaru. Oh yeah.....Its a boy lorry.  Harry the Horsebox. Top tip here though......If driving a car with a seat-belt sensor do not have a loose Jack Russell with you.  Or any dog come to that. Or a handbag! At first I was alarmed at the beeping....then I realized it was Scrumpy, my Jack making the beep. Unable to reach the seat-belt and plug it in at 60mph, I turned the radio up.....Which was fine until it starting playing the chart of 1966.  No offence to 1966.....its when I was born, but i like slightly newer music. A plus point is Harry the Horsebox almost fits in the barn, thus becoming a really solid Dove-pigeon baffler.  My other half came along Sunday to check out Harry......he's a mechanic....Mark the Mechanic.  We waited with baited breathe until he pronounced we had a good un.

Over the last 3 days I have been taking pix of the ponies wearing xmas hats...Or trying to.  Last year I photo-shopped a hat on Charlie and myself.  This year, with the trust between us pretty strong he was happy to wear a hat and pose with me loose in the field for a selfie. Trouble is what with holding the hat on in the wind, and not having gorilla arms, the pix ain't that good.  Daisy wore the hat but wouldn't stop eating, and Lu ran off snorting. The Shetlands on the other hand are born models. With smaller ears I was able to secure the hats and they stood and posed.

Meanwhile at the Rda we had our final session before xmas.  We played pass the parcel.  As the speakers are all packed away for the move I ran around holding my phone aloft as it played xmas songs. Oh did I mention I had an elf tee-shirt and hat on?  Tilly wasn't at all sure of me.....I thought it was the music coming from my pocket, but it was the hat.  After kneeling down to let her sniff the hat, she then realised it was just me. And guess what was in the parcels? Yes a carrot in all of them. All the riders got a pic of themselves mounted on a card.

So its Merry Xmas from me, The Super Model Shetlands, and Him.

The Shetlands

Me and Charlie

Harry the Horsebox

Friday 9 December 2016

Bloody Dove Pigeons And The First Frost

Those Bloody Dove Pigeons!!! It didn't take long for them to not be scared of the tin foil.  To say I was cross is an understatement!!!  Jo heard the roar of anger from the fields....... So I found a roll of orange road workers stuff.....And the netting off the hay bales.  More wobbling on a hay feeder, and very determined stretching, yards of baler twine and an hour later.....And the buggers can not get in now. Nor can we without un-tying all the baler twine and tying it back.  We had the Farrier the other day, and he laughed his head off....he said it felt like entering a Moroccan Hareem Den ??????????? At least the horses were ok with it. 
And so we have had the first frosts.  Although the water pipes were frozen, and the Water Butts too, it was nice in a way.. At least the sun was out.  Bizarrely its now back to grey cloud and double figures....So its rugs off again. Horses are designed to deal with the cold. Their coat hairs move to deflect the rain/cold and keep them warm.  So i would rather they were a little cold, than sweating under rugs.  We put the first lot of hay out when it got below zero, but they have so much old grass they are not overly interested.
At the RDA I drove Fern last week......first time driving in 8 years. I had forgotten how to hold the reins!  Luckily she looked after me, and was so good we practised lowering the wheelchair ramp for the first time. Hopefully my riders and helpers are having fun lessons. Today we went out searching for hidden letters to Santa....and popped them all in the post box. They are all starting to get used to my over-active imagination!!
ice from water

new dove pigeon trap

Sunday 13 November 2016

Daisys' tick and Dove Bafflers

Its been a hectic couple of weeks.....Whats new?  Well its got as cold as a witches tit.  Well the Easterly winds have made it feel that way...Winter is here. 
Unbelievably Daisy got a tick. You'd think it was too cold, but no the tick was there as large as life on her chest. In the old days, on a yard I used to work, the owner would burn them with a lit cigarette.  We didn't dare, in case we burnt Daisy as well.  So we tried to kill it with Witch Hazel, and smother it with Vaseline, having failed to find a tick puller.  After a few days we thought it wasn't working.....the lump was quite pussey and hard and the tick was still there.  So using animal-lintex and a lot of heavy duty electrical tape, we strapped a poultice to her chest. Amazingly it worked!  Tick dead and gone. Woohoo.
In the meantime, I have got fed up with the Dove-Pigeons that live in the barn. In the summer a Buzzard got most of them, but they have gradually drifted back.  So we installed a Dove Baffler, made of pie tins and bottles on baler twine hung up on the entrance rafter. This entailed me wobbling about on an upside down hay feeder....But it seems to have worked!
I am thoroughly enjoying my Friday Rda sessions. Its like I have never been away.....and as a bonus I take my last client out on a short hack, either riding Fern (a Dales mare), or Tilly, a little black and white gypsy cob, who I adore.

 Dove Baffler

Daisys' Tick

Riding Fern

Thursday 3 November 2016

Charlie Has Visitors and Winter Arrives

Sorry I haven't posted for a while.  I have a new laptop which is taking a bit of setting up.  And the clocks have gone back so now there is less time than ever.

Winter seems to have appeared suddenly.  Last week I was poo picking in a bra with bare feet as it was so warm. Now it's 3 layers, long boots and a hat!! The big ponies have lightweight rugs on and we have moved to the Winter fields. At least there's so much old grass we won't have to fence for a while. 

I have been sneakily getting on Charlie while Jo is busy lunging Lu. And Daisy is still excitable.  Though I schooled her the other day and she settled nicely. 

Charlie had visitors the other week. His owners came to see him. Sadly they are not able to carry on with Blossems Rescue Centre but all the ponies have homes.  Charlie was enchanted to see them, and Sara was impressed at how much he has grown.  I  assured them that he has a home for life. 

In my other life as Rda instructor last week I clipped 2 ponies.... First time in 8 years.  Bit wobbly!!

Hobbit Feet!!

First clip in 8 years!

Thursday 6 October 2016

Cat On Hot Bricks and Shetland Love-Ins

Wow its been a busy couple of weeks.  We are constantly fencing, so the horses have old grass, and we save pasture for new grass to grow.  The Indian Summer finished with 30c at the end of September, to a mere 14c for a more autumnal feel.  Goodbye flip-flops and shorts (and tan), hello hoodies and boots. Better for working the horses though.  I have set up another school and Charlie has been learning to jump on the lunge.  He has been working out where to put his feet.
Daisy has been like a cat on hot bricks.  It may be the extra sugar in the grass, or the fact her feet don't hurt, or an Easterly wind up her tail. Whatever, we have been hacking out alot, and she has taken to jogging everywhere, tossing her head, and plunging. Lu in comparison has been very good.

I have started teaching at the RDA and loved every minute of it. One of my clients from the mid nineties came in, gave me a big hug, and a photo of her sitting on my Paddy, with me beside her.  I almost cried. Another client remembered me. Theres nothing like it for a feel good factor. So if anyone reading this lives near Sutton, Woodbridge, and can spare a couple of hours Friday morning, please come along.  There is coffee, biscuits and a lot of smiles.

For another smile factor, just spend time in the field with your horses. The other day, while waiting for the water to fill up in the Shetlands field, I lay down in the sun. Straight away they both came over and started licking my knees and belly and leaning down to blow with there nostrils.  If I scratch there bellys, they try to groom me back, nibbling my hair.  Charlie wandered over in the adjoining field and flicked water all over me with his nose....The more I laughed the more he did it. He also loves a belly scratch, and lifts his head up like a giraffe.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Rain and RDA

Rain.....Yes we have finally had a few hours of rain. With the ground softer, we were at last able to re-fence the fields and finally moved the Shetlands onto grass.  They think they have died and gone to heaven. Sounds easy but it was no 5 minute job.  It took 3 of us including Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays over a hour.  Not to mention detangling the self-tangling electric wire. Oh and the destruction of the hose reel it winds up on.  That was me. It has a bit broken off mysteriously during the Summer and wouldn't turn. A bit of impatient 'repairs' from myself and it is now a manual winding hose reel.

With the extra grass and soft ground the lunging started.  Not sure why I bothered with Charlie as he has been full of Autumn vigor, and has been chasing Prudence the Bull Dog.  On Monday when I got him in to work him, he was already sweated up.  When I put him away and got Daisy in, he galloped around, thus the exercise was slightly unnecessary, although the bonding/work is worth it. I am currently teaching him to lift a hoof to say please for a polo. 
Daisy, feeling so much better with her shoes on and soft ground, got delusions of being a race-horse.  Much water-skiing was done on my part, while Daisy had a good old gallop, and ignored all commands to 'steady', ....or even 'trot'.

The other day I bumped into an old friend from Hollesley RDA, which I ran for many years.  She asked me if I would like to go back to teach.  Hell Yeah. That place was my world and I have missed it every day.  So today I went in to help. Its been 8 years.  Some things have changed...horses, helpers etc, but most of it was sooo familiar.  It felt like going home, and I have had a grin on my face all day.  I have agreed to go back and teach Friday mornings, and am so looking forward to my first session. 

Happy Shetlands

Charlie Lunging Tantrum

Daisy On Form

Thursday 15 September 2016

Indian Summer and A Rain Dance

And so we have an Indian Summer......Its the middle of September and it was 29c today. All the grass is burnt, hell we are burnt! The ground is too hard to work the ponies, and the fence posts are breaking when we try to move the fencing back.  We have been doing a rain dance. Polly has bruised soles, so is out in boots.  Daisy, with her shoes on is feeling well.  The other day I thought I would take her out and lead Charlie.  mmmmmmm......
I went round the 4 acre first.....good job really.  Daisy was like a cat on hot bricks.  In the end I had to let go of Charlie, as Daisy was plunging and bucking. I just sat and laughed as it felt so good to feel her so happy.
Luckily I had been practicing the bucking.....on a mechanical bull at a Festival. Major fun if you ever get the chance. It got very competitive. 

So today we picked up 50 bales of hay.....As I stood there surveying our hoard I said, 'We won't need to hay until October'.  Jo pointed out thats only two weeks away. WHAT????  Its still the middle of summer surely?  I panicked at that point and dragged all the rugs out.  Jo power washed them while I painted them with Fabriseal.  I mean, knowing England it'll be snowing next week!


Waterproofing rugs

Friday 26 August 2016

New Shoes For Daisy and A New Experience For Charlie

First the weather report......And the heat goes on.  It was 32c the day before yesterday and Jo and I were muttering about mad dogs and Englishmen, as we shoveled shit during the hottest part of the day.  We have moved Lulu and Charlie onto the 3 Acre with Polly and Daisy, as the grass is all burnt, albeit still quite tall. We have separated them though, Charlie has moved in with Daisy and Lu with Polly. It seems to be working. 
Today the Farrier came to sort out Daisy's feet. I brought Charlie in as company, and to give him a good groom, and plait his mane, hoping it will make him a bit cooler. Following the ex rays the Farrier cut away a fair bit of Daisy's toes, to expose the rotten bits.  He then put front shoes on her to give her something to stand on, and make it possible for us to work her......The last thing we need right now is Laminitus. 
I was in the stable with Charlie putting the longest, thickest plaits ever in his mane in the hope it will make him feel a bit cooler, when he suddenly spun away. I realised the Farrier had started his forge, and there was a good chance Charlie had never heard that before. When Daisy's hot shoes were put to her feet, Charlie grew to about 15hh and had eyes out on stalks.  He must have thought she was on fire! All good education, as he will certainly need shoes at some point in his life.
But best of all when we turned them out Daisy galloped away bucking.  Her feet must feel soo much better already.

cut away toes

Friday 19 August 2016

Seedy Toes and Roadsigns

Yes, we have found a road sign to use in our training.  It had been laying around for Jo and i requisitioned it. Its a big triangle with a 20mph limit picture.  it was a little big for the car, and we were giggling like school girls loading it.  It now sits in the round pen. Both Charlie and Lu have been worked round it and neither battered an eyelid.  All good to make a bombproof pony.

And on to Seedy Toe.  Not something you hear much these days. Horse problems seem to come in and out of fashion.  Seedy Toe is one of those old fashioned problems.  And Daisy has it. She has been lame since she was last trimmed.  It got worse.  Initially thinking it must be laminitus, although theres no grass left in the one-acre, we moved her in with Polly, on long old standing hay, and popped on a grazing muzzle.  However neither Jo or myself were happy that it was laminitus to blame.  Daisy is quite lean, there was no crest, no pulse and no heat in her feet.  I turned to a very old veterinary book I have (my bible) and came up with White Line Disease or Seedy Toe.  Having put Daisy's boots on and found it eased her pain, we called the vet out for x-rays. As with lots of technology these days, it wasn't all plain sailing.  The x-ray machine refused to talk to the laptop. Katie the vet switched it off and on again.  Daisy stood patiently on the wooden blocks.  Still no joy. Katie phoned her boss who suggested she switch it off and on again.  Still Daisy waited on the blocks. Still no joy. Katie phoned IT support.  While we waited for the callback, Katie tried again, switching it off and on. Daisy nodded off, still on the blocks. Katie tried the off/on trick yet again. Phoned IT again. Daisy dozed peacefully.  Eventually IT rang back.....When Katie said 'Yes 4 times' we knew he had asked her if she tried turning it off and on again.  We all fell about laughing. Eventually it worked.  X rays duly taken we could see the problem was in the toes.  Its like a fungus that goes up from the white line.  The toes have to be cut back to expose this and the air will kill it. The Farrier is coming Tuesday.

Jo, and the vets doing x-rays on Daisy

Friday 12 August 2016

Dung Beetles and Destruction

The heatwave continues,as does the chaotic month Jo and I seem to be having.
We managed to coincide last saturday.  We also had Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays with us...which was a good thing.  The horses (Lulu) had taken down all the electric fence posts which separated them, and had eaten all the remaining grass/standing hay. Everyone looked fat, full and slightly sheepish.
We started to put the dividing line back up.....but decided they all seemed to be ok together, so just set about picking up all the posts and winding up the self tangling electric wire.  We were just about to leave, when Charlie started to follow Polly, with an interest in mounting her.  This got faster and faster.  Lulu decided to join in. At first we thought she was putting a stop to the chase, but watched with horror as she joined in and they managed to corner Polly against the fence.  As Jo and myself ran after them shouting, Chanice opened the gate to let Polly out. Poor Polly.  She had a bite on her neck (Charlie) and a nasty sliced cut on her foot. We have put her in the next field in wither height grass, where she can gloat over the fence.  The cut looked worse than it was and after a day slathered in Dermobian and a bandage, she is fine.  The shetlands are sticking together like glue and Charlie has had a few double barreled kicks in the chest from Sweet Pea. We were disgusted by his and Lu's double act though and have decided when we move to the next field we will separate them for a bit, as we don't want separation issues when we take one out without the other.

Meanwhile I have been a bit slow poo-picking due to my strange fascination with Dung Beetles. They are amazing.  If you roll them over accidentally, they roll back the right way up.  They roll their eggs up in perfectly round balls of dung and pop them down perfectly round holes under the pile.  Then have lots of tiny babies.  When i come across them, which is all the time at the moment, I try my best to pick up the poo around them. Everyone should look out for them.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Busy Summer But Still Bonding

August has been sooooo busy.  Dogs, work, visitors.... The last week or so has been so hectic, Jo and I have barely crossed paths.  We have been taking it in turns to water, poo pick and move fences back.  Yet Charlie and I have still been progressing.  The other day I could have cried.  Walking into his field with the headcollar ......he came over and dropped his nose in, face on, no rope.  Its only taken 9 months. And he knows I am going to rub sun block on his nose. Oh, and feed him.
Last Saturday I had a little extra time.  Seemed to spend it taking selfies with Jasmine....and stopping her removing my coke bottle from the trailer.  Monday i had help from Mark The Horse Whisperer.  We went to go for a walk down the lane with Charlie and Scrumpy.  Charlie was a bit spooky though.....The Horse Whisperer thought it unsafe, so we had a quick 'Bonder/Follow Me' session instead.  The Horse Whisperer filmed it.  Please excuse the dodgy bandy-legged walk I had adopted.  Oh Ok I admit it.....Thats my walk.  The old cowboy walk. I learned it at 'The Ministry For Silly Walks' Academy.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Heatwave Survival and Nasty Horse-Flies

Phew its been HOT.  Too hot to ride.  Not complaining (much) but this is a bit like winter.  We are in Survival Mode.  By the time we have finished the chores, its time to hide from the heat. 
This doesn't quite mean contact/bonding has stopped. I am actually having a major break-through with Charlie......This is because of his pink nose and the searing heat.  It has become imperative to sunblock him daily. So I have been taking a tiny feed or carrots up to him daily.  This means catching is no longer a problem.....He's starting to drop his nose into the head-collar. He has a minor protest about the sunblock... A very small rear or two, but its getting on and stopping him having a crispy nose.  Oddly enough he is fine with fly cream on his face and sheath.....and talking of sheaths, he is really happy for me to clean his.  Odd Pony!!!
Our grass is now standing hay...and burning off, so we move the fence back without fear of laminitus.  It is vitality important to keep the water clean, fresh and topped up. And to fly spray everyone. Including ourselves!
Last week I got bitten by a larger than normal horse-fly on my jelly belly.  This week its swollen and spread, and has lovely blisters.  Doc says its called Cellulitis.....I thought that was only on my thighs!  So antibiotics and slight apathy from me to do more than strictly necessary.
We thought we might use the time to clean all the rugs with the pressure washer.......but inevitably its broken after one rug!!

Saturday 9 July 2016

Cracked It, Baths and Balloons

This week Charlie has been a star.  I have caught him up for 3 days for a feed and a fuss.  I have been using a slightly different approach.  Walking in the field, veering away from him, and approaching him from the side.  Rope round neck, head-collar on. No Problem.
So we started work again.  Playing in the round pen....with scary things like blowing plastic....which he tried to eat.  Chairs and Balloons......which he tried to eat.
Getting on and off.  No tack, no helper, no fuss.
Yesterday he approached me in the field and blew into my face.  So I blew into his nostrils....he blew back.  No biggie?  Well he has never accepted this form of greeting before....So its a huge step as far as I am concerned.

The Shetlands have been bathed.  Neither of them like it.  Sweet Pea can rear vertically.......and does.  Debatable who was the wettest today.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Bareback Teaching, Charlies Chute and Spies Are Us

Wow what a week...  So on Saturday, Jo and I spent a good half hour fixing up an electric fence 'chute' for Charlie, running from his field, through the 3 Acre to the round pen, so I could drive him there to continue the headcollar debate. Giving him a chance to work with me first, I strolled over......and put the rope round his neck and the headcollar on.  No Fuss. He got a feed for that.  Same again Sunday and Monday.  Monday was farrier day.  After Charlie had been done I put him in a stable, removing his headcollar in case he caught it on some random nail.  When all were done I went in to get him......Headcollar? No Way. Its like an instinct kicks in.  Luckily its not a huge stable. I wish I could get to the bottom of this instinct.  Until then I'll continue to use a rope first as it works.

Saturday I gave Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays a bareback lesson on Daisy.  I can't believe how much her position has improved since she first started with us.  I am so proud of her. Bareback riding should be practised more often. Positions improve no end without a saddle.  Its so much easier to feel the horse.

Today we have been mostly spies.....Long story short.  A local woman got done in March for cruelty and banned from keeping animals for 6 years.  Should have been life as its the third time this has happened.  Anyway, we have been spying on her since then.  She still has dogs, cats, chickens and 7 mares in her back garden.....And 4 stallions tucked away on another piece of land.  We have been in constant touch with World Horse Welfare about this, and today they came for a recce. Just as we drove past her house she was pulling out in a car.  So Jo and I tailed her, giving the guys time for a better look around, while we spent an hour in the local town watching her, of all things shop in a Horse Charity Shop.
I've always wanted to be a spy!!! Anyway when this is resolved I will name and shame.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Flip Flops, Happy Hacks, Success....And Backwards Again

Ok back to the weekend....The Flip Flop Incident. Absolutely no horse book would recommend wearing Flip Flops around horses. But I like my feet free. Its been hot.....I am now saying....Do Not Lead Horses In Flip Flops!!  On Saturday, we got all 3 biggies tacked up etc.  Jo went off to lunge Lu.  I took Charlie into the round pen to long rein and do a little desensitizing with a fag packet on a stick. Meanwhile I told Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays to sort out Daisy's girth and mount. We then swapped places, and I sat on a chair, and gave vague instructions while holding Charlie.  It did Chanice the world of good.  I told her to plan stuff in her walk, trot, left, right, halt etc and be absolutely firm with Daise.  She did really well.  I lounged around Charlie, resting my feet on his neck etc. Then we all went out for a leading the boy.  Halfway down the drive he stepped on the back of my flip flop.  A brief struggle ensued between my middle toe and the flip flop.  They both lost. One broken flip flop and one very bruised toe.  Not to be deterred, I carried on barefoot.  Not wanting to get stood on again, and limping a bit, I leant my arm on the saddle, my weight on Charlies side and guided him with the reins.  He was a star.

Sunday, we had a brilliant long-reining session.  He stopped, started, turned, backed up....All good. Monday I rode Daisy.  We had a lovely hack through the Corn-On-The Cob fields.  We have permission off the farmer, and as yet the plants are only stirrup height.  I made I thought....that Charlie wasn't jealous, by spending an age scratching his belly, which he loves.

Today I thought I might get on him again.  Jo caught Lu.  Charlie wasn't having it.  So i walked off leaving the electric fence gate open.  He came through as planned into the small area between electric fencing and the main field gate. I tried to catch him......No go.  So I sent him away.  Jo took Lu away to work her. I sat down.  Charlie came over, but would not let me put a headcollar on. So I sent him away.  This carried on for half an hour.  Jo then came and tried. He had his stubborn face on, and half an hour later still no joy. We drove him back to his field and I walked off.  He followed. I ignored him. I may well ignore him tomorrow as well.  Its to be expected with a boy with his history, and I am not going to take it personally...........(really I'm NOT)

Saturday 18 June 2016

Playtime...And Work Time

The ponies were in a playful mood today, with Charlie and Lu racing around just for the fun of it.  It's so nice to see them just galloping around and being horses.  It also causes gasps of joy from Jo and myself, as Charlie is so balanced and surprisingly light on his feet. His changes of direction are a so swift, his trot so floating and he has a very collected up hill canter.  I hear the show ring calling!!

We brought all 3 biggies down to the 3-Acre where my round pen is.  I gave Charlie a swift lunging session and spent a whole packet of polos teaching him to say Please.  Once the other two were tacked up, I shushed him out to go graze the rest of the field. Jo went off on Lu and I started to give Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays an intense lunge lesson....with knotted reins and no stirrups (Don't tell her parents).  We had been working for less than 5 minutes, when Charlie appeared under the gate-rope and joined us. While this is not at all BHS, he was happy to quietly graze and didn't get in the way (much).  Chanice did really well, getting a really good sitting trot while holding the pommel.  I gave her lots of weird exercises to do, to not only to loosen her up, but to help her balance and confidence.

Jo came back and asked if i wanted to ride Lu.  Hell yeah.  She is amazing. Chanice and I played 'Follow my Leader', with me alarming Lu by waving my arms and legs around.  I then went into school mode and asked Lu for rein-back and what I call 'sideways stuff'. Lateral work always sounds a bit pretentious. Its Sideways Stuff until you got it. Lu was a little huffy...resisting the pressure of my legs, but kinda got 'Turn on the Belly', sideways along the fence line and a couple of steps of rein-back.  I would like to do more, as I have a fascination with bringing ponies on. 

Thursday 16 June 2016

Lost Shetlands, Monsoons and The Horse Whisperer Has First Lesson

So the Horse-Whisperer actually sat on Daisy on Sunday.  Having watched a 7 year old girl happily trotting round, with Daisy looking a little excited, I gave him a chance to gird his loins, and sort his hat out, while i rode her round the round pen, trying to put her into the chill-out zone.  It worked.  He only wanted to get on and sit, but having done that he agreed to me leading her round, while Jo corrected his position......which was annoyingly naturally good. Having done Karate and yoga for years, he is naturally balanced.  I only had to say "Do the Horse Stance" and he was there. I un-clipped him and walked in front of Daisy, while giving instructions for start and stop. Then left and right. She would have followed me whatever, but He was happy....and did really well. Its no mean feat to learn to ride in your 40,s.  Barrel racing next then!!

And so to the Monsoon.  I know I am not a Weather Report....But Really! This is worth a mention.  We were shorts and tees.  It was Hot! And Muggy. Then we noticed a big heavy cloud...and a sheet of rain heading our way.  It blanked the valley out! Before we could say "Rain coming", it was there. We all legged it to the shelter of the trees, by which time we were drenched to the bone.  And when I say we all, I mean Jo and I, both dogs, and Daisy, Polly and the Shetlands.  Having just put the fence back for Lu and Charlie, they braved the power-shower for the new grass. It didn't stop....So we left! Only after we had checked the water....haha the butts were filling up quicker by rain than hose, and gave the 'Dieters' more grass.  I sprinted up the field....Not a great plan with dodgy lungs and dicky ticker, and its not as if I could get any wetter!! My trainers are still wet 2 days later!

And so all that rain has made the grass go mad. I only wish we had the equipment to make hay.  When we moved the fence back yesterday, we immediately lost the Shetlands!  The 1 Acre normally lasts a this rate we'll still be here at Xmas!

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Long-Reining and Man Bonding, Plus A Happy Sound Daisy

Summer is here again.  Back to work for the fat ponies. Jo is working Lulu daily. Prudence is working Sweet-Pea.....Yes Prudence is a dog, but they like to chase each other, which is more of a work out than us lunging, and a damn sight quicker. I am dividing my time between hacking Daisy and work with Charlie in round(ish) pen.
I devoted one whole session to the headcollar with Charlie.  It took a little while. Same principle as before.  When he came over I tried to put the headcollar on. He refused...I sent him away.  After about half an hour he let me put it on and take it off 3 times with no bother.  We also worked with the hose.....which is obviously a terrifying yellow snake. Once he was ok with that, I turned the water on.  And now water is scary! As is Charlies nature, that escalated into being frightened of a sponge and bucket.  3 days later, he is actually enjoying the bucket and sponge wash down.  Slowly slowly catchy monkey. With him, if he doesn't accept something, you just have to think of another way.  For the record sun-block is now no problem.  We started off with a stick, which he found fascinating, now I can spray my hand and spread it over his muzzle. As long as it doesn't smell of coconut!
And long-reining may have clicked. We had an awesome session yesterday. I don't like using two lunge lines.....they are too long and light.  So I joined two sets of reins together (If anyone has an old redundant set of driving reins....).
To start with he freaked or froze with me behind him, but by half lunging, I slowly moved behind.  I can't tell you how pleased I was when he finally got it. We did several changes of direction and halt to walk.                                        
Go Charlie

view from Daisy
Daisy having fun 

Friday 3 June 2016

Why Does Your Pony Dig A Hole? Because He Is An Archaeologist...Or A Pig

Well there are lots of theories....mostly to do with vitamin needs. Maybe they are digging up the root of the grass.....maybe they need vitamins from the soil?
Charlie has dug small holes before.  I started giving him pink powder in his feeds, in case he was deficient in some important mineral. Not so in his case.
Sorry to dwell on the weather ( I Am British), but this week has been cold.  We have had a strong North Wind and showers. The ponies are all fat and have grass, but we succumbed to rugging Polly as she is old and as close to a TB as possible for a pony.  Then we rugged Daisy (she was tucked up and shivering pathetically).  Lu and Charlie have shown no signs of being cold.
And yet.....he has done something new to Jo and I in all our years of being pony girls.  Over the years I have looked after at least a 100 ponies, and I have never seen a pony dig like Charlie......
He has made a hole a foot deep and spread the dirt over about 6ft x 4ft. And he used it for a dust bath! Every inch of him is black....his feathers, his mane, tail, his face.  He looks like a coal-miner fresh from the pit!  And he seems to have dug up what looks like a stone age flint knife!  What he doesn't realise is when summer arrives he is having a bath!!!