Thursday 16 June 2016

Lost Shetlands, Monsoons and The Horse Whisperer Has First Lesson

So the Horse-Whisperer actually sat on Daisy on Sunday.  Having watched a 7 year old girl happily trotting round, with Daisy looking a little excited, I gave him a chance to gird his loins, and sort his hat out, while i rode her round the round pen, trying to put her into the chill-out zone.  It worked.  He only wanted to get on and sit, but having done that he agreed to me leading her round, while Jo corrected his position......which was annoyingly naturally good. Having done Karate and yoga for years, he is naturally balanced.  I only had to say "Do the Horse Stance" and he was there. I un-clipped him and walked in front of Daisy, while giving instructions for start and stop. Then left and right. She would have followed me whatever, but He was happy....and did really well. Its no mean feat to learn to ride in your 40,s.  Barrel racing next then!!

And so to the Monsoon.  I know I am not a Weather Report....But Really! This is worth a mention.  We were shorts and tees.  It was Hot! And Muggy. Then we noticed a big heavy cloud...and a sheet of rain heading our way.  It blanked the valley out! Before we could say "Rain coming", it was there. We all legged it to the shelter of the trees, by which time we were drenched to the bone.  And when I say we all, I mean Jo and I, both dogs, and Daisy, Polly and the Shetlands.  Having just put the fence back for Lu and Charlie, they braved the power-shower for the new grass. It didn't stop....So we left! Only after we had checked the water....haha the butts were filling up quicker by rain than hose, and gave the 'Dieters' more grass.  I sprinted up the field....Not a great plan with dodgy lungs and dicky ticker, and its not as if I could get any wetter!! My trainers are still wet 2 days later!

And so all that rain has made the grass go mad. I only wish we had the equipment to make hay.  When we moved the fence back yesterday, we immediately lost the Shetlands!  The 1 Acre normally lasts a this rate we'll still be here at Xmas!

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