Thursday 15 September 2016

Indian Summer and A Rain Dance

And so we have an Indian Summer......Its the middle of September and it was 29c today. All the grass is burnt, hell we are burnt! The ground is too hard to work the ponies, and the fence posts are breaking when we try to move the fencing back.  We have been doing a rain dance. Polly has bruised soles, so is out in boots.  Daisy, with her shoes on is feeling well.  The other day I thought I would take her out and lead Charlie.  mmmmmmm......
I went round the 4 acre first.....good job really.  Daisy was like a cat on hot bricks.  In the end I had to let go of Charlie, as Daisy was plunging and bucking. I just sat and laughed as it felt so good to feel her so happy.
Luckily I had been practicing the bucking.....on a mechanical bull at a Festival. Major fun if you ever get the chance. It got very competitive. 

So today we picked up 50 bales of hay.....As I stood there surveying our hoard I said, 'We won't need to hay until October'.  Jo pointed out thats only two weeks away. WHAT????  Its still the middle of summer surely?  I panicked at that point and dragged all the rugs out.  Jo power washed them while I painted them with Fabriseal.  I mean, knowing England it'll be snowing next week!


Waterproofing rugs

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