Thursday 3 November 2016

Charlie Has Visitors and Winter Arrives

Sorry I haven't posted for a while.  I have a new laptop which is taking a bit of setting up.  And the clocks have gone back so now there is less time than ever.

Winter seems to have appeared suddenly.  Last week I was poo picking in a bra with bare feet as it was so warm. Now it's 3 layers, long boots and a hat!! The big ponies have lightweight rugs on and we have moved to the Winter fields. At least there's so much old grass we won't have to fence for a while. 

I have been sneakily getting on Charlie while Jo is busy lunging Lu. And Daisy is still excitable.  Though I schooled her the other day and she settled nicely. 

Charlie had visitors the other week. His owners came to see him. Sadly they are not able to carry on with Blossems Rescue Centre but all the ponies have homes.  Charlie was enchanted to see them, and Sara was impressed at how much he has grown.  I  assured them that he has a home for life. 

In my other life as Rda instructor last week I clipped 2 ponies.... First time in 8 years.  Bit wobbly!!

Hobbit Feet!!

First clip in 8 years!

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