Saturday 24 December 2016

An Exciting Buy and Merry Xmas From Us xx

Well what an exciting time.....Jo has only gone and bought a lorry. Its well cute. Ford Iveco, 2 horse, side loader. We went and picked him up last Saturday...I had the easier task of following her back in her Subaru. Oh yeah.....Its a boy lorry.  Harry the Horsebox. Top tip here though......If driving a car with a seat-belt sensor do not have a loose Jack Russell with you.  Or any dog come to that. Or a handbag! At first I was alarmed at the beeping....then I realized it was Scrumpy, my Jack making the beep. Unable to reach the seat-belt and plug it in at 60mph, I turned the radio up.....Which was fine until it starting playing the chart of 1966.  No offence to 1966.....its when I was born, but i like slightly newer music. A plus point is Harry the Horsebox almost fits in the barn, thus becoming a really solid Dove-pigeon baffler.  My other half came along Sunday to check out Harry......he's a mechanic....Mark the Mechanic.  We waited with baited breathe until he pronounced we had a good un.

Over the last 3 days I have been taking pix of the ponies wearing xmas hats...Or trying to.  Last year I photo-shopped a hat on Charlie and myself.  This year, with the trust between us pretty strong he was happy to wear a hat and pose with me loose in the field for a selfie. Trouble is what with holding the hat on in the wind, and not having gorilla arms, the pix ain't that good.  Daisy wore the hat but wouldn't stop eating, and Lu ran off snorting. The Shetlands on the other hand are born models. With smaller ears I was able to secure the hats and they stood and posed.

Meanwhile at the Rda we had our final session before xmas.  We played pass the parcel.  As the speakers are all packed away for the move I ran around holding my phone aloft as it played xmas songs. Oh did I mention I had an elf tee-shirt and hat on?  Tilly wasn't at all sure of me.....I thought it was the music coming from my pocket, but it was the hat.  After kneeling down to let her sniff the hat, she then realised it was just me. And guess what was in the parcels? Yes a carrot in all of them. All the riders got a pic of themselves mounted on a card.

So its Merry Xmas from me, The Super Model Shetlands, and Him.

The Shetlands

Me and Charlie

Harry the Horsebox

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