Friday 12 August 2016

Dung Beetles and Destruction

The heatwave continues,as does the chaotic month Jo and I seem to be having.
We managed to coincide last saturday.  We also had Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays with us...which was a good thing.  The horses (Lulu) had taken down all the electric fence posts which separated them, and had eaten all the remaining grass/standing hay. Everyone looked fat, full and slightly sheepish.
We started to put the dividing line back up.....but decided they all seemed to be ok together, so just set about picking up all the posts and winding up the self tangling electric wire.  We were just about to leave, when Charlie started to follow Polly, with an interest in mounting her.  This got faster and faster.  Lulu decided to join in. At first we thought she was putting a stop to the chase, but watched with horror as she joined in and they managed to corner Polly against the fence.  As Jo and myself ran after them shouting, Chanice opened the gate to let Polly out. Poor Polly.  She had a bite on her neck (Charlie) and a nasty sliced cut on her foot. We have put her in the next field in wither height grass, where she can gloat over the fence.  The cut looked worse than it was and after a day slathered in Dermobian and a bandage, she is fine.  The shetlands are sticking together like glue and Charlie has had a few double barreled kicks in the chest from Sweet Pea. We were disgusted by his and Lu's double act though and have decided when we move to the next field we will separate them for a bit, as we don't want separation issues when we take one out without the other.

Meanwhile I have been a bit slow poo-picking due to my strange fascination with Dung Beetles. They are amazing.  If you roll them over accidentally, they roll back the right way up.  They roll their eggs up in perfectly round balls of dung and pop them down perfectly round holes under the pile.  Then have lots of tiny babies.  When i come across them, which is all the time at the moment, I try my best to pick up the poo around them. Everyone should look out for them.

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