Wednesday 20 July 2016

Heatwave Survival and Nasty Horse-Flies

Phew its been HOT.  Too hot to ride.  Not complaining (much) but this is a bit like winter.  We are in Survival Mode.  By the time we have finished the chores, its time to hide from the heat. 
This doesn't quite mean contact/bonding has stopped. I am actually having a major break-through with Charlie......This is because of his pink nose and the searing heat.  It has become imperative to sunblock him daily. So I have been taking a tiny feed or carrots up to him daily.  This means catching is no longer a problem.....He's starting to drop his nose into the head-collar. He has a minor protest about the sunblock... A very small rear or two, but its getting on and stopping him having a crispy nose.  Oddly enough he is fine with fly cream on his face and sheath.....and talking of sheaths, he is really happy for me to clean his.  Odd Pony!!!
Our grass is now standing hay...and burning off, so we move the fence back without fear of laminitus.  It is vitality important to keep the water clean, fresh and topped up. And to fly spray everyone. Including ourselves!
Last week I got bitten by a larger than normal horse-fly on my jelly belly.  This week its swollen and spread, and has lovely blisters.  Doc says its called Cellulitis.....I thought that was only on my thighs!  So antibiotics and slight apathy from me to do more than strictly necessary.
We thought we might use the time to clean all the rugs with the pressure washer.......but inevitably its broken after one rug!!

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