Wednesday 29 June 2016

Flip Flops, Happy Hacks, Success....And Backwards Again

Ok back to the weekend....The Flip Flop Incident. Absolutely no horse book would recommend wearing Flip Flops around horses. But I like my feet free. Its been hot.....I am now saying....Do Not Lead Horses In Flip Flops!!  On Saturday, we got all 3 biggies tacked up etc.  Jo went off to lunge Lu.  I took Charlie into the round pen to long rein and do a little desensitizing with a fag packet on a stick. Meanwhile I told Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays to sort out Daisy's girth and mount. We then swapped places, and I sat on a chair, and gave vague instructions while holding Charlie.  It did Chanice the world of good.  I told her to plan stuff in her walk, trot, left, right, halt etc and be absolutely firm with Daise.  She did really well.  I lounged around Charlie, resting my feet on his neck etc. Then we all went out for a leading the boy.  Halfway down the drive he stepped on the back of my flip flop.  A brief struggle ensued between my middle toe and the flip flop.  They both lost. One broken flip flop and one very bruised toe.  Not to be deterred, I carried on barefoot.  Not wanting to get stood on again, and limping a bit, I leant my arm on the saddle, my weight on Charlies side and guided him with the reins.  He was a star.

Sunday, we had a brilliant long-reining session.  He stopped, started, turned, backed up....All good. Monday I rode Daisy.  We had a lovely hack through the Corn-On-The Cob fields.  We have permission off the farmer, and as yet the plants are only stirrup height.  I made I thought....that Charlie wasn't jealous, by spending an age scratching his belly, which he loves.

Today I thought I might get on him again.  Jo caught Lu.  Charlie wasn't having it.  So i walked off leaving the electric fence gate open.  He came through as planned into the small area between electric fencing and the main field gate. I tried to catch him......No go.  So I sent him away.  Jo took Lu away to work her. I sat down.  Charlie came over, but would not let me put a headcollar on. So I sent him away.  This carried on for half an hour.  Jo then came and tried. He had his stubborn face on, and half an hour later still no joy. We drove him back to his field and I walked off.  He followed. I ignored him. I may well ignore him tomorrow as well.  Its to be expected with a boy with his history, and I am not going to take it personally...........(really I'm NOT)

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