Sunday 13 November 2016

Daisys' tick and Dove Bafflers

Its been a hectic couple of weeks.....Whats new?  Well its got as cold as a witches tit.  Well the Easterly winds have made it feel that way...Winter is here. 
Unbelievably Daisy got a tick. You'd think it was too cold, but no the tick was there as large as life on her chest. In the old days, on a yard I used to work, the owner would burn them with a lit cigarette.  We didn't dare, in case we burnt Daisy as well.  So we tried to kill it with Witch Hazel, and smother it with Vaseline, having failed to find a tick puller.  After a few days we thought it wasn't working.....the lump was quite pussey and hard and the tick was still there.  So using animal-lintex and a lot of heavy duty electrical tape, we strapped a poultice to her chest. Amazingly it worked!  Tick dead and gone. Woohoo.
In the meantime, I have got fed up with the Dove-Pigeons that live in the barn. In the summer a Buzzard got most of them, but they have gradually drifted back.  So we installed a Dove Baffler, made of pie tins and bottles on baler twine hung up on the entrance rafter. This entailed me wobbling about on an upside down hay feeder....But it seems to have worked!
I am thoroughly enjoying my Friday Rda sessions. Its like I have never been away.....and as a bonus I take my last client out on a short hack, either riding Fern (a Dales mare), or Tilly, a little black and white gypsy cob, who I adore.

 Dove Baffler

Daisys' Tick

Riding Fern

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