Charlie The Trick Pony.
Follow Our Journey As we Walk With Our Equine Friends.
Friday, 1 April 2016
Poor Daisy Has Laminitis
This week has been all about Daisy. Poor girl has got Laminitis out of no-where. Well obviously the grass has been growing, but not so's you'd notice. Her feet have been growing too and she was ready for the farrier a week ago. Seeing she was a bit footy on Tuesday, we brought her in, with lots of steamed hay and feeds of chaff and bran and bute. We turned her out Wednesday, as she isn't keen on being in, and was walking much better with boots on. Thursday she was laying flat out in the sun. Actually they all were, but bringing her in for the farrier, it was clear she was in pain. He pursed his lips and sort of mechanics do just before they tell you your car is worth little more than scrap. He says we need to keep her on the hat-rack side. Can't ever see Daisy looking like a hat-rack, she's more like a large passenger liner. They are all strip grazed, out 24/7, have basic meadow hay and very little hard feed. We only feed natural chopped chaff and bran, mainly to get supplements in. And thats not very often. He even told us to stable her on shavings instead of the 3 year old barley straw. Luckily Jane (who has the 5* Shetland Hotel) had shavings and even delivered them to us.
This is Daisy, awaiting shavings delivery, in a classic text book laminitic stance. Notice the weight all on the back end, front legs pushed forward to relieve pressure on the toes. Luckily we had some padded boots/shoes for her, The type they use for endurance. and rubber mats in the stable. This morning she was so much brighter, we let her out in a grazing muzzle for a couple of hours, free-range as the grass is older and longer, and therefore not as packed with sugar. She wandered off up to see the others at a pleasing speed. Jo has ordered her a bigger, sheepskin padded muzzle for when her feet are better. Although the one she has is large, it rubs long term.
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