Sunday 24 April 2016

OK So This Is A Weather Channel

Yes It is a weather channel....for those that like to know what the weather has been like, as opposed to what its going to be like.  Just in case you want to know....Horrible, in both cases. I am calling this Charlies brief turn away time. Just as we thought winter was over, and very short, it has arrived.  We had sleet and hail today in a very cold north wind. Yes the smurf hat is back. In December it was 14c, now its down to 5c.  But we still have April showers, leaving us the usual spring rugging dilemma. When the sun is out, it has warmth, so we don't want the ponies over-rugged and sweating.  But when the next sleety squall blows in, its like the Arctic.  So they have lightweights on.....and we hope they are not too cold at night. To keep them warm, we are supplementing the grass with hay still. And running around (well not actually running in my case....A cold North wind is not brilliant for PH lungs), to get them fed, and poo-picked as quick as so we can get back in the warm. I have more time to play with the photos I take!  

Bad Hair Day For Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea and Bee keeping warm

A Quick water-colour of Sweet Pea

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