Friday 8 April 2016

Blossoms Rescue Centre

I hope a few people have watched the video of Charlie (real name Sparky) by now, and have seen what a lovely pony he is.  He is sweet, affectionate, cheeky, trusting, nosy, and funny.  Not to mention he has fantastic conformation and stunning paces.  If if wasn't for, he wouldn't even be alive.  Please check out the website.  This isn't a huge rescue centre like ILPH or Redwings.......but a small concern run by one dynamic lady called Sara Higgins.  They also rescue dogs, cats, chickens.....if it is in need of rescue, rest assured Sara will be on it. With a a few voluntary helpers, Sara looks after all the rescue animals herself....on a shoestring.  Trust me if I lived closer I would be helping. 
So if you can help in anyway please do......If you check out the site, you can donate......or if you live nearby, maybe take on a rescue pony or dog.
Believe me it is way more rewarding to see an animal that has had a bad start in life develop into something special.
Does this look like a rescue pony??????

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