Friday 29 April 2016

Bee Is Off and Work Resumes....And a Sick Pen

Dare I say it......its warmed up.  Ok so its still hailing at times.  But the sun is generally warm enough to leave the ponies naked. Bee is off a forever home hopefully.  She has chilled so much, I hope she will settle in quickly. I will miss her cuddles, but I think she'll be fine. She has so much more confidence in humans now.
Today we had Roz and Shona to help, so I suggested we do something with the bigger ponies.  Charlie has had enough time off to digest what he has already learnt.  While Shona rode Daisy and Jo rode Lu...just around the 'school' and 4 acre, I tried to long-rein Charlie.  I may have found the reason he panicked and dumped me.  Seems he is only confident while I am at his head.  We set off round the 4 Acre behind the others in long reins.  While they calmly walked ahead, Charlie freaked, rearing, pulling and spinning.  I dropped one rein and brought him on a circle, thinking of the havoc he would cause if I let go. So glad they didn't turn round and see my fight.  I quickly ditched the long reins in a corner, and just led him.  No stress.  As soon as I took up the reins to walk by his saddle...panic.  He likes to follow. No problem.  I will get Jo to walk by his head while I get him used to me being behind.  
Daisy looked sound, which is great.  Her and Polly are currently sharing a 'sick pen'.  Basically a long strip around the edge of the field with only old grass....just in case!!

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