Wednesday 20 April 2016

My New Groom

This week I got a new groom! My poor mum who has always been scared of horses, popped in to pick me up yesterday.  As I was just bringing Charlie in for a tidy up (His vision has been compromised lately by his very thick, long forelock), she found herself keeping him quiet.  He is normally groomed by the gate to the field, or in the barn with the others.  So this was actually his first time tied up to the post by the tack room alone.  Not wanting her to be knocked over if he barged about, I gave her a bucket of carrots to keep him quiet. 
Easily bribed lad, stood reasonably quietly for a feather, tail and forelock trim. At least I can now see his feet, and he can see......well everything.  As much as I love him looking like Phil Lynott, or indeed Slash from Guns 'n' Roses, its probably better that he has some vision. It was a bit of a hatchet job, practical rather than pretty, but it will take some time to get the tail and feathers thinned nicely. I also managed to cut my finger with the scissors.....being on warfarin, there was copious amounts of blood😊

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