Friday 25 March 2016

Pride Comes Before Fall and All That

All I can say is ouch!!! Today I hit the deck. We have had a busy week one way or another.  On Monday Tess came over and we had a hack out on Daisy and Lu. First time I have properly rode Lu, ie on a hack, and I loved her.  She got excited on the way home and was all head tossing, on the spot jogging. We nearly achieved a piaff! Reminded me of my old boy Paddy (see History of PonyGirl).  Tuesday I had a couple of spaniels in tow, so had more than enough to keep track off.  Every 5 minutes I was doing a dog head count. Wednesday I was knackered....the joys of having PH (dodgy lungs and a dicky ticker). I was trying to wear the spaniels out....but they won hands down.  Thursday was hospital appointment, so today I was impatient to get back up on Charlie.
Lovely sunny day (oops sorry, weather report again), Easily caught pony, very laid back whilst being groomed, even though the Shetlands have gone on holiday, and B and Polly were free-range grazing, so he had no company. Plodded around the school in-hand like a riding school pony.  Yup over confident........
On I reaction.  The plan was one circuit of the school then a photo shoot.  All best plans blah blah.....Off we went, 3 or 4 steps....then, kapow, Charlie shoots forward and spins....I gather up the reins, he spins again, pulling the rope from Jo's hand, giving her a nice rope burn.  A few humps..I momentarily think I can sit it out......then a huge twisting leap, and I am airbourne.  I had time to think 'this is gonna hurt', before I hit the ground back first. Ouch. It definitely hurts more the older you are.  The good things are, as I sat up winded, is a) my dicky ticker can take sudden flights, and b) Charlie didn't leg in, but stood there looking shocked.
Once I had almost regained my composure, and Jo had got some gloves, I had a few minutes of leaning over him......until it hurt too much. Back to basics this week I think, until I stop feeling like a 90 year old.  Sadly there are no pics as we were to busy 'doing' here is a nice random spaniel pic..

And a nice Charlie pic............

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