Friday 29 January 2016

Blowing Up A Hoolie, and The Farrier

Well its certainly mild again.....and guess what 40mph winds.  How I hate the wind! It makes normal stuff, like putting hay out a real battle.  Top Tip alert.....If you feed hay in the field, you need one of these big metal things. They stop it blowing away.  They don't stop the person unloading it from getting covered in it though.
A Big Metal Thing Yesterday

Today we had the farrier.  Up we went to get the big ponies.  Charlie decided to be a dick.  So we took Lulu and Daisy down to the barn, and I went back for him with a small feed.  In between galloping about screaming hysterically, he snatched mouthfuls.  I tried explaining to him that we both wanted the same thing, but I needed him to have his headcollar on. It didn't take long for the penny to drop.  I thought we may fall out on the way down to the barn, as he wanted to go faster than my lungs will allow me. But a few sudden halts and a growl from me seemed to sort it.  He did think about going up, but didn't so we are starting to understand that I am the boss!
He was good as gold for the farrier, had a good brush, including that thick tail and those thick feathers.  He has a touch of thrush, so i scrubbed his feet with salt water and sprayed some hibiscrub and disinfectant on each foot. He didn't object to that at all.
To make room for Polly, I took Lu and Charlie out to the field and left Daisy in the stable.  The two I'd just turned out ran up and down yelling for her, while she deafened us in the barn yelling back.  I've never seen a horse open its mouth so wide to neigh! 



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