Monday 25 January 2016

Charlies Adventure and The Arctic Vortex Has Been Avoided

Yup....looks like Winter is over.  I love it when its only a week long!  It was 14c today.  T-shirt weather.  The horses are back in lightweight macs.  We are mostly out of grass now in the 4-acre so we continue to give them small feeds and lots of hay.
Charlie had an adventure on Saturday.  After putting his bridle on again, I decided to take him down to the tack room, where Jo was mixing breakfast.  He hadn't been that far yet, so I clipped the rope onto the bit rings.  Good job.
We were fine going down, a bit of the car, the wheelie-bin.  As usual he sniffed the scary objects, and decided they weren't going to eat him. I let him try and graze, but the poor little bugger kept dropping the grass back out! To be fair its quite a chunky bit.  All the time Daisy and Lu were keeping a watchful eye out.  So all good, I started to take him which point Daisy went crazy, galloping around screaming.  That startled the boy, who spun round, and for a split second we both thought he was going to try and jump a stock fence, struggle up a tree filled bank, to pop another stock fence. Lucky I had that rope through the bit.  After that, we had a fairly prancy journey back up the track, with many stops for reassurance.  Finally back to the field....Charlie was in fact great, standing stock still to have his bridle off (although he has a real problem with it touching his ears).  Meanwhile Daisy was still galloping and bucking.  Real bronco bucks.....I didn't know she had it in her.
Today I backed it up a little, and left the bridle in the tack-room, and just did a little lunging and 'follow me' play in the school.  We also walked casually back to the field via a pole up on two tyres, which Charlie walked over without hesitation, carefully lifting each leg up.  I think he's going to be a jumper....just not sure if my dodgy lungs and dicky ticker will be up for that.

Whats that your wearing?

Just as an after thought....My dog has a blog.

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