Tuesday 2 February 2016

Only Daisy Didn't Take A Naughty Pill Last Night

Daisy was the only one not to take a naughty pill last night.  Obviously dished out by the naughty pill fairy!  We arrived to find Lulu in with the minis (again).
Only a blonde would swop to a field with less grass.  And so the blondeness spread.  Having retrieved Lu, and removed a hanging tail flap from B,s battered rug, we moved the hay rack down the hill, out of sight of Lu.  Could they find it? Hell no. Its not as if we disguised it like a nuclear bunker.  Even when I stood yelling, banging the metal sides and waving hay, they stood watching from a distance!  
And then we set about changing rugs, as the wind is more than nippy again. Naturally Daisy was as good as gold.  But Charlie?  No he was offski.  Oh yeah a funny game.  Not amused!  Eventually I just hung out by the hay, until I could rub his head.  He then stood quietly for a rug change and lots of cuddles.  Weird boy!!!  By the time we had poo-picked in the ever increasing wind, both Jo and I were exhausted!

My Pony Looks Like Phil Lynott

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