Tuesday 12 January 2016

Ready For The Arctic Vortex

Yup they (who are these people that spread doom and gloom on social networking sites??) have been banging on about some Arctic Vortex for the last 2 weeks. More snow than we have seen since the last Ice-age.  Minus 14c temps.  Really?  On the Suffolk Coast?  Anyway we are ready.  Every day we get ready to wake up to a white out.  We have plenty of hay. We have new hose pipe to replace the pipe that will freeze solid and crack. The taps are stuffed with straw and covered with bins.  Every day we fill the water, disconnect the hoses and artfully drape them over trees so they point downhill. Polly's stable is clean and ready.  Jo has found some ski trousers and I have acquired a blue fleece hat/scarf thing.  Between us we look like a smurf! 
 The horses are rugged up in slightly heavier rugs with the mega heavy weight ones at the ready. The fact is we have a gypsy cob, a Highland, a Haflinger, a Welsh and 2 Shetlands, all of which are bred to withstand worse weather than we have here.  Only Polly, who is like an aged mini tb really needs 20 duvets!
But we are ready....bring it on.....lets get it over with.  Snow pix to follow....hahahahahha.....

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