Wednesday 30 December 2015

The Great Escape And The Mobile Phone Episode

So the warm weather continues (and the rain and wind today).  Xmas day itself was warm and sunny... Yup t-shirt weather.  All the ponies had a xmas day feed as a treat.  Not sure they knew why though.
So on Boxing Day we decided to move the minis right to the far end of the 4 acre,  fence off the whole way along giving them a fairly narrow strip, and move the shorter cross fence back daily to strip graze them.  That's the sort of thing horse owners do on Boxing Day, as opposed to getting up late and munch leftovers while watching naff xmas movies!  We let them run free while we did this, much to the disgust off the biggies!
After 5 hours of fighting the self tangling fence wire, and the hose pipe connections that refused to connect, we caught them up and went home to enjoy eating leftovers and watching naff xmas movies.

And so to yesterday...the fence needed moving back.  Jo does the moving, while Prudence and I fend off the circling sharks (I mean ponies).  Scrumpy usually shouts instructions from the other side of the fence.  We had a longer strip to defend than normal, but armed with a poo picker, for about 20 minutes I held all the ponies in an obedient row.....Hey I said, Olympia here we come next year.  Liberty ponies!!  The ponies meanwhile were making plans. First they sent in Jasmine, the smallest and cutest miniature Shetland. My favourite as it happens.  And I had a pocketful of polos.  While she fleeced me of polos, pretending she didn't understand that I wanted her to lift a hoof and say please, the others watched obediently from distance, lulling me into a false sense of security and dreaming of my Olympia Liberty Ponies.  They waited until only the middle strand of fence was left,then Jasmine legged it to the right. Being nearer the fence line, I lunged right, flailing like a beaten goal-keeper, as Sweet Pea and B, made the run for it on the left, clearing the wire (god knows how they even saw it).  Polly, who probably couldn't see it stopped, while dear little Jasmin simply ran through it.

Well you have to and a Bulldog, beaten by Shetlands, a mini tb and a welsh pony!  Jo and I convinced ourselves that they would stop eating when they were full and the ground wouldn't get so poached.  We commented on how the bigger ponies were not as sharp!!!  So far Sweet Pea hasn't come up for air.

Today I was at work till 12-ish, and Jo was finishing off the minis field when I arrived.  "That bloody Piebald", she greeted me with.  Oh no, whats the boy done.  Apparently Jo got warm and left her fleece in the trailer, which Charlie is obsessed with.  After a while she looked up to see him cavorting around holding something fluorescent. Yup it was her mobile phone, which he had removed from the fleece pocket.  Apparently Jo had a bit of a tussle to remove it from Charlies teeth.  Needless to say the screen is broken, and Jo can't see who is calling.  Oh wasn't that long ago Scrumpy stood on Jo's bag, squashing an ice cream carton, which caused her bag and the said phone to be filled with cappuccino flavoured goo.  I think I owe her a new phone!!! 
enjoying the sun
xmas lunch

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