Wednesday 2 December 2015

Blackberries in December? And the Farrier

Well after all that rain and wind, would you believe the sun has got his hat on and the temperature is around 12c.  So we have stripped the ponies naked. Except Princess Polly, who has been down graded to a lightweight.  It is so mild and warm you can almost hear the grass growing!  We were kind of debating the de-rugging, but then we saw the blackberry bushes were flowering!!!! In December????  Someone once told me, if you need a coat, then so does your pony.  Well I am sweating in a tee-shirt, so I guess that's true.

Today was the Farriers visit.  We got the biggies in first.  I brought Charlie and Daisy in tandem.....He's very chilled when I have another horse in hand. And he was as good as gold having his feet trimmed.  The farrier was very pleased with him.  And so was I.  I even let him have some of my coffee!
So then I went to get Polly and B.  Hmmmmmm.  B just would not be caught.  I sent Polly down to the barn on her own.. She is so good she obliged. Then I ditched the headcollar and hid the rope.  Still couldn't get near the little sod.  And she meant it too.  Ears back, lashing out.  I tried a flower pot full of grass....Nope.  Plan b.  Let shetlands out into the full 4 acres, hoping she would come over once separated from Sweet Pea. Nope.   Okay, steady stalking, looking away, muttering whoa girl, good girl ( I actually meant come here you little witch).  At one point I was able to stroke her neck, and got a handful of mane.  Which nearly got ripped out when she legged it. 
When Jo appeared, as a new opponent,  she managed to get a rope round her neck...And the little sod still tried to spin and kick Jo!
Needless to say, she pushed her luck with the farrier, trying to cow kick him.  Sadly for B, he hasn't been doing that job for about 30 years, without learning something, and after a quick lesson in whose boss, she stood, without protest.
She has probably had some bad stuff happen to her, I mean how many welsh sec a's are unrideable???  They are normally the greatest kids ponies.  But whatever has happened has left a really mean streak in her.  Another one to fix!


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