Saturday 12 December 2015

Xmas Selfies....And yet more Rain

Well this week has rolled by in a haze of rain....... Lovely. Backed up by a cold wind.  We have upgraded all the rugs to medium weight.  Even Charlie.
He is back to being caught up and taken for a walk every day.  Though Jo and I are doing it as a two-man (woman) team.  Its time to get tough. I have been thinking of him as a baby and doing it all gently gently.  But actually he is a very coltish, bolshy, chunky 3 year old BOY, and needs firm handling.

Next week we will move fields and they will all be in the 4acre.  I am going to fence off a very small schooling area, and hopefully work them all in hand as much as poss.  Its hard going in the constant rain, wind and mud for some reason!!  Could be that part of us that says we want to get home and snuggle in front of the fire with cheese on toast, watching Netflix!!!!

Anyway, here's our xmas selfie.....Hats photo-shopped!!

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