Friday 4 December 2015

10 Steps Back

After being so good for the farrier, Charlie has taken a naughty pill.  It was forecast for rain and wind last night, so yesterday we rugged back up.  At least Daisy and Lulu were rugged.  Charlie wouldn't have any of it.  In fact he wouldn't let Jo or I near him.  We tried sending him away, but its a bit hard in 2 acres!!!!!  A couple of times I got a rope round his neck, but he's a chunky boy, and I just couldn't hang on.
So Jo took the girls away.....much to their delight they were turned loose in the 3 acre field, which has been resting since the summer, and is full of lush grass.
Needless to say, any mothering tendencies went out of the window, and they firmly ignored Charlie's rather hysterical neighs.  Someone answered down the road somewhere, but no-one he knew.
I rather thought that without his mummies, he would come to me.  Not a chance!!  He had gone feral.  So I left him to literally sweat it out, while we poo picked the minis.
I don't like using food as bribery, but my main objective at that point was just contact, so I took a bucket of nuts and apples out to him.. At least he came over and ate, and then followed me every time I walked off.  As he was, at this point foamed up in a lather, rugging was out of the question anyway.  So the mares came back, and we left.  I spent the whole night fretting, as it did indeed rain and blow a hoolie.  I felt so bad I got him a bag of carrots.
Much to my relief, this morning, the sun was shining, and he was happily having a love in with Daisy, who inexplicably seems to be in season again. 
Without much hope, I took his rug and a pocketful of carrots out to the field, to be greeted by happy, curious Charlie, who munched on carrots and calmly stood to be rugged. 
 Either I have a schizophrenic pony or something had upset him.
The farm had had a large trailer delivered to the next field earlier yesterday morning, and had had a lot of problems which had resulted in the road being closed for quite a while. My only theory is that it reminded him of being removed from his mum with several other colts.  Maybe he associates very large trailers with being caught and bad stuff????
I'm just relieved to have the Charlie I know and love back today.

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