Monday 30 November 2015

It All Went Pete Tong and A Tidy Charlie

So the rain has continued......and continued.......and the high winds have continued......and continued.
Last Tuesday it all went Pete Tong!!!  Poor Jo phoned to say her mother had been taken to hospital.  It was my day of mother visiting too, so we decided I would poo pick and Jo would put the hay out when she was finished at the Hospital.  I battled rather quickly through the poo, getting the tractor stuck a few times in the mud.  The look of outrage on the horses faces when I left was priceless.

Anyway......Jo was stuck at the hospital all day.  Not mentioning any names, but this particular hospital is....errrrr.....crap!  So I stopped on the way home to do the the dark, in the wind, and in the rain.. Fun Fun Fun!!
The tractor doesn't have lights and I didn't have a torch.  So by the light of my phone I loaded up wheelbarrows full of hay.  I got truely mugged by the bigger ponies....Daisy in particular tried to sit on the wheelbarrow, though to be fair, i think she was pushed by the others.  The air was blue!  As well as cold and wet.
I didn't fancy another mugging, so the minis had their hay lobbed over the fence in piles!

Next day they were not happy......As I got Polly out to feed her, the others made there escape and had a fun filled hour running about in 4 acres of grass. We left them to it as we moved their fences back.  Safe to say the following day they had left some hay and were still looking rather stuffed.

Friday.....We got the biggies in for a feed and general tidy up.  Charlie wouldn't eat his, until Lu tried to share it, but as the little bugger weighs 420kgs, I'm not overly concerned.......There's obviously something in it he doesn't like.  He was a bit of an idiot coming in,  pulling and spooking, but redeemed himself by allowing me to trim his very thick feathers and chin.  Hopefully it will actually stop raining and blowing soon so I can bit him.   

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