Sunday 22 November 2015

Batten down the hatches

Holy hell.  Saturday was one of those days when I wondered whatever had possessed me to take up horses again.
40mph winds accompanied by rain.  Oh, did I mention the temperature, at its best, was about 3 degrees c.

Poo picking was actual torture in those conditions, and putting out hay nearly impossible.  I managed to swallow everything that didn't go in my eyes! Luckily we have feeders in the fields, so once we had wrestled it in, it did at least stay put.  
Then it was upgrading rugs, and fighting the tornado to secure neck covers on the actual ponies necks.  Charlie is still only in a lightweight rug, as he has never worn them before, and has a very thick coat of his own.  Besides which, his flight mode was fully on alert, and there was a lot of snorting and spooking from him. If I had attempted a rug change, I suspect there would have been a naked black and white pony seen charging around all over the County.

We then spent way too long uncoupling all the water pipes and packing the taps with straw. I was almost grateful when it actually snowed at 10pm that night.
Of course they all survived and its warming up again (well up to 6c)

much more peaceful today

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