Monday 9 November 2015

Todays Ponies

So, history lesson over, and on to the ponies in my life today.
The Shetlands:
This is Sweet Pea, who Jo found at Watton Horse sales.  She was starving and covered in lice.  She also had pneumonia, and it was touch and go.....But here she is, as cute as a button.  Unless you want to bath or muzzle her.  Then she becomes the ginger bitch from hell. I've never seen something so small rear so high as this one.

And this is Jasmin.  She has had a much better life, spending most of it with Jo.  She is the most loving pony ever, and daily comes over for a chin scratch and a kiss. 

This beautiful creature is Lulu, a 9 year old Halfinger of very good breeding. And doesn't she know it!  She is very much aware that she is the Queen Bee, the number one. She has been with Jo since she was a yearling, and is the most well mannered, yet playful pony ever.  Her intelligence is quite scary!

Daisy-May.  I adore Daisy. She is sweet and gentle, and so laid back she is almost horizontal.  Except for bath time, or fly spray time, or chin trimming time.  Then she simply uses her size and leaves the vicinity at high speed.
Jo got her a year ago, mostly because she couldn,t bear to leave her in a home where she lived alone, with a terrified owner.
And god only knows what happened to her before that. We know she has had several foals, and has several fears.

This is Bee, a welsh sec A, (and judging by those knees and her high actioned fast trot, maybe part Hackney!!).
Bee has only been with us about 3 weeks and is owned by Roz.  Poor Roz bought her as a non-rideable companion for her Icelandic Pony, but sadly lost him.  We are not sure why she is un-ridable.  Any brave children out there???? Or extremely small adults?

This is Polly....Princess Polly.  She was simply abandoned on the yard, when she became lame.  Jo took her on, and nursed her better.  She went out on loan and was returned when she became lame again.  After months of care, and money and walking around on memory foam pads in her boots, she is sound again and enjoying life.

And finally new boy.  He is 3 years old, and was bottle fed as a baby, then turned away in a herd of other colts, to be, well, horses.
He is very funny, very clever and very cheeky.  He is also quite coltish still and is pushing the boundaries a little when it comes to being handled.
The mares are fairly sorting him out, the poor little sod is always is trouble with one or the other.

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