Thursday 12 November 2015

Pony Girl 1 - Charlie 0 A Lesson Learned

So, on Monday Charlie and I had a fight.  I could see it coming.  So far he has accepted rugs, detangler, mane trimming and having his tail dunked in a bucket of water and severely agitated.  But he has been pushing the boundaries a little. 
 This is all to be expected.  First he was taken off his mother too young and was bottle fed. Next he ran partially wild in a small herd of colts and was only gelded this year.  He is very clever and cheeky though, which will make teaching him fun. I certainly do not want to spoil that cheeky, curious nature.  But I need him to see me as his herd leader. Even above Lulu who is the alpha mare.  (I swear she has balls hidden somewhere||).  Check out the video to see how he and the 14 year old Daisy over reacted when Lu was taken out of the field the other day.

Anyway so in the interests of bonding, I have been taking Charlie out of the field and just getting him to follow me and stop when I say etc.  All rewarded with a treat or a face rub when he gets it right.  I am using a Parelli halter, as he is strong and the last thing I want is to let go at the moment.
Its been going ok ish, but he is frightened of the gateway (must have had a shock as its all electric fencing), and has been trying to leg it the moment we get back in the field.
It all came to a head Monday, when he stood right up and pulled back.  I have a long rope so I pushed him out to the end of it and sent him in circles.  For a moment it must have looked like a classic cowboy scenario.  Handler planted while horse paddles in the air, leaning back on the rope. I tried again to have him stand while i removed the halter, but up he went again (no patience!!).  So I drove him out and kept him moving round in circles until he began to show signs of submission.  Lunging should be a doddle now.
Finally he stood still to be let loose. 1 - 0 to me.
Tuesday I let him be as Lulu escaped whilst with were moving the fence back and then looked a little collicky, so Jo took her in for a bit.....hence the vid of him and Daisy having a meltdown.  Its the most Daisy has moved this month!!
Yesterday I had a hospital appointment, 90 miles away, yes the joys of the dodgy lungs and dicky ticker!
So today was test day.  Had Charlie remembered his lesson?  Hell yeah!  He greeted me with a little whicker.....i think he must have read the book that tells horses how to communicate with humans.  It says a whicker is worth a month of bad behaviour!  But he was as good as.  Nice walk round the next field, through the gate with only a whisker of hesitation, and stood like a rock for me to remove his halter.  

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