Monday 6 January 2020

Top Barn 2020 Challenge Begins And Rhythm Beads.

Yes its here at last!!! The Top Barn Challenge 2020 began today. Woohoo. For those that were not following our blog last year....This is what its all about.

Top Barn is a centre in The Cotswolds that holds a Facebook Challenge every year. There are a number of levels to join depending on how many hours you can achieve each week. Bronze level is only 3 hours a week. Silver 5, Gold 7 and Platinum 10.  There are also Mini Challenges to achieve. The amount of Mini Challenges depends on the Level picked. The Mini Challenges for Groundwork include things like 'Pick up All Four Feet From one side', and 'Back into a Stable'.  This year there are also Plus Levels.  For instance Bronze Plus.  Each week a surprise Challenge will be issued for the Plus-ers. This Challenge lasts for 12 weeks.

I did the Bronze Challenge with Charlie last year. We had a heap of fun. The group is one of the nicest on Facebook, with everyone encouraging each other. The main object is to challenge yourself.  Its all too easy to do nothing with your horse in the Winter months.  So this is mega motivation.  And working through the Mini Challenges is basically a self challenge.

And so this year I am doing the Bronze Plus challenge with both Charlie and Lily. Thats 3 hours each a week. Meanwhile Jo is doing Bronze Plus with Lulu. I will be videoing everything, and posting on my YouTube channel weekly, so keep your eyes peeled....or subscribe to my channel so you don't miss it (its free!!).

So Day One today. We started well.  I started this morning with Charlie.  As I have been reading up on The 100 Mile Challenge (which involves walking 100 miles with your horse to gain trust and a bond), we went for a walk.  There is no way I can cover a 100 miles with my lungs, but the general idea is there.  You start in places that your horse is comfortable in.  So we went for a half hour walk round the fields Charlie has grazed in. Ok so it was windy and the mares were yelling but it was like flying a Cobby Kite.  I was very impressed with the 'Airs Above The Ground' Stuff!!! Yes my stocky cob is quite capable of doing Caprioles!

After the poo picking, haying etc, Jo and I got Lu and Lily in.  Lu had a lunge session and Lily had a tidy up, and a play with a very scary football.  As Lil's tidy up doesn't count all three ponies clocked up 30 minutes each today. 

You may notice Lu has a jangly necklace on. These are called Rhythm Beads.Its basically a necklace made of beads and bells.  Rhythm beads are an ancient Native American tradition.  They supposedly help the horse by minimizing distractions as the horse focuses on the bells rather than spooky situations. We shall see in time if this works....but its a great idea to let the horse know it is at work.  Like a guide dog in its harness.  When I worked at the RDA we had special neck straps that had handles on. Not only did this give the rider a hand-hold when needed, the horses also learned when they were wearing them they were at work.

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