Tuesday 28 January 2020

Top Barn Challenge Week 3, And Daisy!

So its Week 3 in the Top Barn Challenge, and we are still going strong.  Well Jo is. I still have the Cold from Hell!  I know its dragging on!!  Mark The Mechanic and Part-Time Horse Whisperer has turned Doctor this week and has diagnosed me with a cracked rib from coughing.  After I had finished laughing (which was quickly coz it hurt so damn much), I actually agree with him.  I have properly broken ribs in the past, and its all the same....Can't breathe without it hurting, can't move, change down gears, steer the truck, cough, sneeze or laugh without stabbing pains. Mark reckons my ribs are weak due to the Radiotherapy and Pneumonia (he hasn't mentioned menopause!!!), and he has a point. Still a little cracked rib and never ending mucus in my lungs and nose is not going to stop me!!

So Week 3 saw Jo and Lulu disappearing out for hacks alone without a care in the World.  While I had a falling out with Charlie. After a nice walk out on Monday, by Wednesday he wouldn't be caught.  I chased him down for half an hour.....But gasping for breath and a top speed of snails pace per hour in a 2 acre field meant I had as much chance of catching him as a 2CV racing a Formula One car. I gave up, sat down in the cold wet mud 10ft away from him, and told him how upset I was that he couldn't give me half an hour of his precious time.  I told him that I loved him and was very hurt when he treated me like the enemy. I explained to him, that by the grace of The Gods (actually the wonderful Sara Higgins ), he could have easily ended up in a Tesco Ready Meal (other supermarkets are available). I told him how much I go without to ensure he wants for nothing. Oh yes! I got it all out!!  He waggled his ears to and fro, and came over and nudged me.  Whereupon I staggered up, said "No its too late", and marched over the to willing Lily.

So the next day I wanted to make amends.  I wondered if he was hating the boring stuff like lunging. I know he loves his Trick Training. For the last year or so he has met me at the gate, stuffing his nose into the headcollar, eager to see what we would learn next.  So I went out to catch him.  He said No again. So I took Lu in and went back for Daisy.  Charlie did NOT want to be left out, so came in with Daisy, sharing the one headcollar and rope.  We ran through some tricks and all was good.

Friday was a big day!!!!  Meg answered my plea to ride Daisy!!  We decided to go down to Marsh Farm and back.  Jo and Lu lead the way (by about half a mile) and Meg bravely gave Daisy her first hack in about 10 months. I followed, panting on foot with a very brave Charlie.  We encountered Sheep and Swans which scared him, but he remained attached to me at all times.

Meanwhile Lily has been a star.  We have spent the week Long-reining, working through obstacles, Liberty work and hanging out at the Mounting Block. She has tried hard with everything and is very keen to learn.

Today the Farrier came. He pared back Daisy's feet and nearly cried.  Underneath the new growth, her soles have stabilized  and pushed those protruding Pedal Bones back. He was amazed.  So thank you Vince Buckman for getting our little Highland sound again.  Daisy has now got her front shoes on normally!!! We are all soooo Happy!

We were overjoyed today to see Vivienne Sadler and Sharon Bleese, who has had a fight with Cancer. Sorry I had to disappear quickly, but the Tractor spat out its dummy (steering rack) in the Biggies paddock, and Mark The Mechanic and Part Time Horse Whisperer turned up to work his magic.  Please come back soon xx

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