Friday 20 December 2019

Mud and Rain....Merry Xmas!!!!

Well the last month has done nothing but rain...and Rain!!!  We actually have MUD in the fields!!  And we are on top of the only hill in Suffolk and on sand. Ok its only a little mud, I know other people have a lot worse...So I will shut up.
BUT I am fed up with the constant rain!!!  

A couple of weeks ago the Farrier came out to shoe Daisy.  He agreed with the Back-Man that it was OK for me to start riding her gently. And its done nothing but chuck it down since.  Ok I could ride in the rain......but I'm old, they are leisure ponies....And I Hate Getting Wet!!!  I did enough of that in my working life!!  Still there is no hurry.

So we have been on the back burn a little.  Jo has got us a new tipping trailer as the old one was in definite need of retirement!!  So this Winter we have a hard core mini tractor and an all-weather trailer.  The wood-burner is working well and I have a 4WD truck.  Guaranteed not to snow for the next 5 years!!

Lets hope the weather is kinder in January as we start our Top Barn 2020 Challenge.  

And so Happy Xmas.  See you Next Year. x