Thursday 16 January 2020

Top Barn Week Two....And More About Rhythm Beads

Phew it's Full On Top Barn Challenge.  We are smashing it so far. Can we keep up the pace for the next 10 weeks? Hell Yeah! Even though this week I have dot a dold.....(moan moan). It's the 1st cold I have had for about two years, so I shouldn't moan...But i will!! It is PANTS.  And the reason why I am still up this late....I can't breathe. I know with PAH I have trouble breathing anyway, but this makes it worse......So Moan Moan Moan!!! And Charlie in particular can feel I am weak, and is taking the mick big time. Makes for funny vids tho!!

Last week (the first week of the challenge) we totally killed it!! I explained to Charlie that he couldn't push me around, and gained trust with Lily by walking her alone in scary places. Jo became Stormin Norman!! Hacked Lulu out alone in a proper Hoolie and came back grinning!!  Now we can't stop her!!!  To be fair, Lu has become a different pony.  Being the Herd Leader, she gets worried when left alone too long. She feels all the responsibility for the safety of the herd.  She is highly intelligent, and when she has nothing to do except look after the herd, she overthinks everything and gets stressy.  In the last 10 days, Jo has taken control, taking Lu away from the others, and by taking her out of their comfort zones, has shown Lu that in fact, she is not in control. Lu has visibly relaxed, knowing that her Mum is in charge. 

Week Two.  Lulu is still relaxed and happy that her Mum is in charge. Charlie on the other hand has been on the phone to Horse-Line complaining that his Slave is trying to sit on him. They obviously told him to stand up for himself, and use his strength.  Sensing my weakness (Yup THE COLD), he has been a total TWOT!! Today, I ignored him and took Lily out.  Himself didn't like that, and followed me along the fence line, grabbing at Lil's headcollar, and waving it at me. Hey Charlie...You Snooze, You Lose!! Meanwhile Lily has been a star. She is a pleasure to walk out with, and is eager to work, coming over to me as soon as she sees I am holding a headcollar.  

BTW....Daisy is beginning to feel like she isn't loved!!  Jo brought her in Monday and gave her some love and grooming.  Maybe I should have entered Daisy into the Challenge as well, but doing Lily and Charlie is more than enough hours. However Daisy would love to get out. So if anyone would like to come and ride her out...she is ready to go. She is a great hack. Bombproof, but not a slouch. Real fun... Meg? Viv? Shona?  

And so my verdict on the Rhythm Beads?  I think they work.  They have definitely calmed Lu down. Lily seems laid back when she is wearing them. And I have before and after Videos of Charlie going from wild to calm after I put them on.  So I have been busy making Rhythm Beads for all our ponies.  At the very least, when they are wearing them, they will understand they are working, and at the very most, the bells will distract them from scary monsters, and soothe them into a rhythm and calmness.  These Rhythm beads were first used by Native American Indians....and what they don't know about horses isn't worth knowing!  

I am starting to make these bead necklaces for sale on Ebay #theriverrat66 and Etsy Suffolkbeachcombers. 

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