Thursday 14 November 2019

Teeth And Feet, Tricks And Worries

First Published 28 Sept 2019

OMG What a week its been!!! Daisy having been as sound as a pound, suddenly became hopping lame on her Off-side Hind.  We sent a video to the Vet, who thought it might be an abscess.  We poulticed it. Nothing. Judging by the way she was limping we feared it may be a pulled Suspensory Ligament. Not good,
as she would be putting a strain on her other hind. As she has lost a lot of muscle, due to her confinement, due to rotated Pedal Bones, due to her EMS, we feared the ligaments in her other hind would give out.  We were very doom and gloom. Jo and I love Daisy to the moon and back. She had a hard life before Jo bought her, and she is the most grateful and loving pony.

The Vet came out Wednesday to do Teeth rasping.  Having examined Daisy, she feared we may be right in our fears ....however being a good Vet, recommended an X-ray to be sure, just in case it was a abscess.  Charlie, Daisy, Lu and Lily were duly rasped. All were well behaved. In fact I would go as far to say that Charlie actually enjoyed it. Lily was sedated,as it was her first time away from WHW and they always sedate.  Lil spent a couple of hours in La-La Land! Mini and Dora however needed another visit with the Electric Rasp.

So the Vet came back today. I was actually away at a Funeral, but I spoke to Jo asap.  X-rays showed that Daisy has in fact a deep abscess. Boy was I relieved to hear that.  Its deep, and its a long shot, but we may be able to sort it!
Meanwhile both Mini and Dora were sedated and electronically rasped. Mini had a tooth abscess (ouch, we have all had them), and Dora has really odd teeth.

Dora in particular can be a little Shit.  We have now had her back checked, her saddle checked, put her in a Bitless Bridle and had her teeth done.  These are always the first things to check if a pony is mis-behaving. Teeth, back, tack....and Ulcers. We are fairly certain she doesn't have Ulcers, as she lives out and has a diet of Forage only.  So now we are sure she is not in pain, if shes still a little Shit, then so be it, thats what she is.  I love Dora.  She is feisty. She is a Wild Child.  Horses should be allowed to have a personality!! 

Meanwhile I have been continuing with the Trick Training. Lily is really interested. Videos are on YouTube of our progress.  Charlie who has been doing it longer, has just learnt to remove my hat! Check it out.

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