Thursday 14 November 2019

Daisy's First Work, Pony Tricks and A Successful Partnership

First Published 6 Oct 2019

So with all the Yuck out of Daisy's hoof, we are now cleaning daily with Hydrogen Peroxide, then plugging the hole with cotton wool covered in good old fashioned Stockholm Tar.  At last we have a sound Daisy.  When turned out with Lu and Charlie, she is galloping up the field bucking with joy. On Friday we started her long journey to fitness, with a 10 minute pole session. Good job the 'poles' are plastic down pipes!! 

We have new friends joining us at the Weekends now. An old friend of mine (Shes NOT old. I have just known her a long time) has been coming up with her teenage daughter, who has very high functioning Autism. Way more intelligent than all of us put together, she has a very special relationship with the ponies already. She has been riding Lu who is NOT a riding school pony, but who has been calm and relaxed under her rider.  And as for Charlie...Wow!  Anyone who has followed the Blog will know he is very precious about his mustache. This lovely teenager has been able to stroke his muzzle and tache without a murmur!

The great thing about Autism is the Black and Whiteness of it all. Logic. A control over the intelligent part of the brain, without interference from the primeval illogical emotional side, that hinders us mere mortals. The ability to 'Be in the Moment'. Horses get this. They live in the moment. There lives are clear cut. They do not ponder the past, or worry about the future. They don't judge their human on what they look like, or stress about the fact that they should be at a certain level in dressage or whatever. The great thing about Autism is seeing it as it is, without the filter of social politeness. Thats why they get animals...and animals get them!

In between Vets, Doctors and some rather astonishing Autumn rain (haha), I have managed to do a little Trick Training with the Three Amigos (Dora, Lil and Mini).  Lil is very interested, Dora curious and Mini?  Well she is Mini!! She knows what I want and when ignored will trundle over, touch the target etc, get the treat and bugger off again.  Or sneak up when my attention is on another pony, and try to steal a treat from my bag! Check out the latest video on You Tube

Daisy in Work

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