Tuesday 12 November 2019

Herbs, Homeopathy and Reiki For Horse

Updated: Jun 26

I need to write this down before the effect wears off.....So please excuse the rambling nature of this post!!!!

Actually, maybe I should start at the beginning. I have always been into Herbs for Horses (and humans too as it happens). Herbs are Natures medicine cabinet. Most chemical drugs (cures, tablets, remedies etc) are derived from herbs and plants. Maybe because the big Pharma companies would find it expensive to go out and pick the ingredients, they manufacture them synthetically. However, these chemical substitutes often have side effects, which need to be countered with another synthetic drug! Good for the business side of things in a Pharmaceutical Company. Not so good for the patient. In the Western World we are used to this. Doc/Vet says.....Use this drug, and this drug blah blah. We do just that because we know no different.

Oddly with our animals, we are more likely to try Herbal Remedies. Particularly with horses, so a huge business has sprung up. Most people feed some sort of herb to their horses. And why not? In the wild, a horse will self medicate. Most of our paddocks are lacking in variety of plants, and sometimes lacking in vital minerals, so its fine to feed herbal supplements. When I was a kid, I had my very own gypsy mare to ride whenever I liked. She was tethered on a disused playing field. Fairly plain grass. So the owner told me, whenever I was riding down a lane, to let her graze the verges so she could pick out what she needed. Sound advice.

At our Farm we have very ancient grassland, and are lucky in its diversity. There are many different grasses, wildflowers and "weeds". The ponies thrive on it, and show this in their shiny coats. And they pick their favourites (they are very good at eating what they need). Lu is partial to thistle heads, while Charlie loves Goosegrass, Dandelions and some very spiky plants. The little ponies left the clover in their field, so we swapped the fields round.....Charlie and Lu devoured the clover!

Still we have a vast range of herbs bought in for medicinal purposes. These can be expensive. So to cut costs, we have been doing a little harvesting of our own. Nettles!! Good for the blood, and for laminitics as it helps prevent sugar spikes. Nettles also contain an antihistamine which reduce inflammation. Even horses prefer the Nettles dried. These can be bought for around £7 per 500g. Hmmmmm.....Who doesn't have Nettles at this time a year?????

So get out there and cut them down. We have been harvesting, drying and storing Nettles, while we have a large supply, so we have enough for the Winter months.

Nettles and Mint drying in the sun

We also have a rampaging Mint plant so we have started drying that for the Winter as well.
Mint also costs around £7 per 500g. But believe me when I tell you growing a Mint plant is easy!! Mint is great for the digestion, and is an ideal stimulant for fussy feeders. We don't have fussy feeders, but Lu is prone to gas colic, so having Mint on tap to soothe her gut is perfect. My next mission is to try and grow Chamomile. At the moment we buy it, but it can't be that hard to grow??? Can It? After all, it grows wild in Britain. Chamomile is good for lowering blood sugar (laminitis), reducing inflammation, and calming.

Another plant we buy is Chasteberry. Not only does it calm hormones (stroppy mares, riggy geldings), it is also used in treatment for EMS and Cushings. While we do not grow Chasteberry (yet!!!), it is cheaper to buy it whole and grind it into a powder with a coffee grinder (TOP TIP ALERT).

And so onto Homeopathy and Reiki. Jo knows a lot about Homeopathy anyway and so we also have a basic supply. However, the Vets suggested putting Daisy onto a chemical drug to help with her EMS. Not only would it cost an arm and a leg, neither of us are comfortable with Pharma drugs. So we called out a Homeopathic Healer and Reiki lady. She actually does humans.....BUT....she also does animals and has owned horses. We happen to know a lady with a serious lung problem, who she has helped enormously. We will call her Amy and she came to see Daisy on Monday.

Now, anyone that knows me, will know that I am very sceptical of anyone waving a crystal, physics and faith healers. (Despite my belief in Herbs and Food for cures which is based in scientific knowledge). So what I am about to tell you has totally blown me away! Please have an open mind. I wouldn't have believed this......But now I do.

So Amy came over Monday to test Daisy with all the supplements we are giving her, with a view to finding a homeopathic alternative. I sat and watched to start with. First Jo had her Chakras balanced (yes that's what I thought too!!). Then each supplement was put in a jar. Jo had to hold the jar with her other arm out straight, thumb pointing down. Amy pushed on Jo's arm, Jo pushed back. Then Jo put the jar on Daisys neck and the process was repeated. When we came to the turmeric, Amy was able to push Jo's arm down. Jo confessed she hates Turmeric. I love it. So it was my turn. First Amy "balanced my Chakra", holding my pulse with one hand, and a Rose Quartz with the other. At this point my sceptical side was thinking "Yeah Right!!" My arm remained solid, so the Turmeric was held against Daisy, who stood quietly. Jo took over again. When we came to No-Metsin which is a very expensive equine concoction for EMS, Daisy tried to move away from the jar. Jos arm was weak. Daisy would have legged it if she could. I started to pay attention!! The next thing Daisy objected to was the Nettles. She actually flinched as if the Nettles had stung her!!

And so Amy made up a concoction of Homeopathic pills into a jar. Jo had a negative reaction to this jar, so the substitute stepped in. I was good with the jar so had to hold it against Daisys neck, while Amy did a little back, foot and thumb massage on me. Then we started the Reiki.....

Amy put her hands on Daisys withers and rump. I held the jar against Daisys neck. We would do this until Daisy moved away. Daisy relaxed, her eyes closed, her bottom lip and head drooped. I relaxed. I was almost in a trance at this point. I was aware that my breathing was very calm and quiet. At one point Daisy yawned a few times, then reached her nose round to my arm. We were all monged out!. I had become aware of the strangest sensation in my back. It felt like warm hands were resting on the back of my neck and the bottom of my spine. I kid you NOT!

Now here's the really weird part...... You may or may not know that I have a rare lung condition. The drugs that keep me alive also give me crappy side effects. Most afternoons I am done in and feeling like I have Flu for 3ish hours. I have crap sleeping patterns... the drugs make me dream at least 30% of my sleep and I pay for that in lack of Deep Sleep (yes I am a FitBit Nerd). Yesterday, after Amy had gone, I felt refreshed, clear, motivated, energetic. I went home and started working on my hobby/pocket money business ( https://www.sea-witch-crafts.com/ ). About 6pm I realised I had had no side effects!!

I fell asleep at around 11pm and slept solidly for 10 hours!! I slept through my alarms. I don't remember waking constantly to vivid dreams......I checked the Fitbit ( as every Fitbit Nerd would). My sleep had been amazing. Only 17% REM and lots of deep sleep. I awoke refreshed, full of energy and buzzing. I woke my partner with loud music and dancing. He couldn't believe the difference. I am normally comatose until I have had at least 3 coffees!!

So sorry about the ramble!!! I'm not sure if there is a moral to this story. Or a lesson to be learned? Maybe keep an open mind????

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