Thursday 14 November 2019

Excitement Over Foot Pus, And a New Dora

First Published 28 Sept 2019

You would not believe how excited people have been over Foot Pus. Yes Foot Pus!!  Pus from Daisy's foot to be precise. The Farrier came out on Wednesday. You may be thinking that the Farrier actually lives in our Barn, but I swear, he does actually see other horses in between ours! He proceeded to pare back Daisy's hoof. We all thought it would take more than one session. But No. He found the hole!!! 
Although not too far from the surface, it goes in a long way, and has a curve in it. As he cut back the sole, we all leaned in, and shouted with joy as a lot of foul smelling pus poured out. You would have thought we had found gold! Daisy gave a sigh of relief as if to say "At last you stupid humans".
Now we can see the problem, we have spent the last few days flushing the hole with Hydrogen Peroxide and poulticing.  Daisy was instantly sound.
As soon as the Yuck stops coming out we can plug the hole with cotton wool soaked in Stockholm Tar and we will be good. In the meantime, her front feet are good....but she looks like a scarecrow from lack of muscle. Once she is fixed we can begin lots of pole-work and long-reining to build her top line up so I can ride.

Meanwhile someone has stolen Dora and replaced her with an identical pony that is all too willing to work! It must have been her teeth!  The last 2 weekends she has been on walk-outs with Nancy, without napping,spooking or biting. She has been an angel!!!  Just goes to show... If the pony is misbehaving check out its not in pain!

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