Tuesday 27 February 2018

The Beast From The East....Winter has Arrived In Spades

Ok Still not a weather channel.....But we have some weather at last!! The so called Beast From the East has hit us with the first real snow of the Winter. Ironic that its nearly March. 
Having been prepared for this, we had rugged the tractor, and stabled the hoses. (Presumably the British Train Network were also forewarned, but it didn't stop them cancelling all trains to London from here in the East. Made me wonder how the Trans-Siberian Trains operate???).

Happily the tractor started.....Being rear wheel drive it struggled on the hills though!! I know its only a lawn mower really, but surely it should be 4WD??
Anyway with a bit of shoving here and there we were able to take a lot of hay out, and poo-pick.  The hoses, despite being stabled, were still frozen in the joins.  Just goes to show...a warm cozy stable really isn't that warm or cozy!

Some hot water, and patience later, we finally managed to top up all the water butts.  The horses also all had a feed. Clots of ice were removed from hooves, and they all felt warm and happy. This is probably the first real snow Charlie has seen in his life, as we haven't had this much for a few years now.

Polly, who eats free-range every day is not dumb.  With no grass to be seen, she made her way into the hay-barn, where I found her happily helping herself to a round bale. 

The dogs had fun....Prudence in particular was happy to run after snowballs. Scrumpy couldn't see the point. I just had to make a snow angel.....despite being 51!!  It just has to be done.   Photos galore of this pretty landscape.

But that will do now. Its amazing how long it takes in snow just to do the basic jobs. And how tiring.  So come on Spring, its time.

Polly caught in the act.

Sharing Feed 

Happy Bulldog

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