Friday 2 March 2018

Enough Snow Now Thank You

The novelty has definitely worn off. With more snowfall and a cracking East wind straight off the sea, things have taken a downhill turn.  No more pretty pictures or snow angels.  The last couple of days have been hell!!
Battling through snow drifts in Jo's 4WD, (My pretty car is useless atm), we have got through to the yard. Obviously we have had no choice and would have walked if necessary.

Of course the hose-pipes and taps froze.  And the drifts were too big to get the tractor through.  Yesterday was the worst.  You know its cold when your hairy cob has icicles on his beard and snowballs on his mustache!  Thankfully Rob (Nancys Dad) came up with 60 litres of bottled water. Rob lugged water, while I struggled with several wheelbarrows of hay through the drifts against the wind.

Jo meanwhile, ingenious as ever, managed to rig up water from the tack room with a shower attachment. Its amazing how long it all takes in the snow!!  After 3 hours, they all had water, hay and feeds.....and 2 very knackered mummies.

Today was actually better. Or are we adapting?? No actually the temperature rose to -1c.  The wind had blown some of the snow away and where we had walked had flattened to a compact ice rink.  Charlie had lost his icicles and snowballs.  Over night someone (LU probably) had destroyed the fence and Lu and Daisy were in with Polly and Dora, and had finished their hay. Charlie had stayed put and was calling somewhat pitifully even though Dora was attached to his tail. Feeding them soon restored them painlessly to the right fields....and as I reassembled the fence, I told them that they had to wait for the hay as I was somewhat busy.

Once again I left Jo wrestling with getting water to all, and I decided the tractor may get through with the hay.  It didn't get up the hill without both of us pushing, but I discovered going flat out worked.....and was rather fun. 

Only 2.5 hours today!!! We must be getting good.  I have no idea how people cope in countries where it snows for months on end!!  I have officially seen enough snow now thank you.

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