Thursday 22 February 2018

The Saga of Sweet Pea Continues

And so. On Tuesday the Vet and the Farrier were meant to coincide at 2pm. I arrived at around 11.30am to find the Farrier had already arrived and Jo, caught on the hop had to leg it to catch in Daisy, Polly and Lu, as the Farrier wanted to get the shod ponies out of the way.  Turns out it was a good thing, or we may have been there till midnight. 

Although Charlie had Dora in the next field he was apoplectic at being without 'his' mares. He raced around in the mud and rain, got hot and rolled....and was absolutely caked in wet mud when I went to get him. Luckily he had enough time waiting in a stable to dry off a bit, and I rubbed him down with handfuls of straw and apologised profusely to the Farrier for his wet muddy feathers! I know a lot of people struggle in the Winter with Mud Fever in Hairy Cobs, and clip their feathers off.  Believe me though, it is better to leave them on. They are natural protection against any bacteria.  Constant washing of clipped legs causes the skin to weaken and the pores to open, which allows bacteria in. Scruffy as wet muddy feathers look, if you part the hair you will find nice clean, healthy skin please leave them be.  Lecture over.

Eventually the Vet arrived and started the ex-ray procedure with Sweet Pea. She was not too keen on standing on the blocks, and apparently at one point reared right up. She is very good at rearing vertically! I had buggered off to do the hay and water. When I came back the verdict was in. No arthritis at all and the feet were perfectly aligned with the Pedal Bone.  And so.....back to soft tissue damage in the Fetlock.   Mmmmm....thats what I suspected in the first place.

Box rest was advised.  So after a long tiring day with the light fading we bedded down the biggest stable and popped both Shetlands away for the night.  Sweet Pea would have had a nervous breakdown without Mini. They are surgically attached.  Initially they seemed thrilled to be having a night out of the persistent rain, at a 5 star Shetland Hotel.  I guess the mini-bar ran out too early......

The next day, we were met with very grumpy Shetlands. Sweet Pea refused her breakfast with pain-killers in. The only answer was to set up a very small pen outside again. It could be a long job!

Shaved Shetland leg after nerve blocks. As you can see she is not putting her foot flat on the floor.

Sweet Pea temporarily enjoying the 5star Shetland Hotel.

Happier in an outdoor pen.

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