Monday 19 February 2018

Spring Sprung For a Day and Nerve Blocks

Yes, Its not a weather channel....But Yesterday was glorious.....9C, sun and no wind. Positively tropical. Meg and Rob were there with little Nancy. Ruby and Teddy from the barn turned up. Suddenly there were more poo pickers, than equipment. After a quick assessment, I dispatched Meg and the kids to catch in and groom Polly and Dora, (Sorry Meg, but you are a mother), leaving Rob, Jo and I to peacefully clear the field. 

My somewhat ambitious plan was to have Ruby ride Dora down to the Barn to see her parents, and Teddy ride back.  Ruby already rides, Teddy doesn't. Dora hasn't been ridden since we got her, so seemed like a sensible plan. 

Until Teddy said he wanted to be the first to ride Dora, and Ruby asked if she could ride Daisy!!!! And so we went with it. Ruby looked like a pea on a pod on Daisy, but rode very nicely. Dora behaved amazing well, considering she hasn't been ridden or off the property since she arrived. We are very pleased with her. A Unicorn she will be!

Once home, Teddy decided to stay, so Ruby rode Dora back and I hopped up on Daisy.  Much easier to keep at a steady pace from up there.  We had been following Polly all the a very sedate pace!!

That was it. Our one day of Spring.  Today was grim....grey and wet.. The forecast says more grey and wet followed by colder weather, with sleet and snow!  Bye Spring....Maybe see you in a couple of weeks.

So today we had the Vet back to check Sweet Pea, who is still mildly lame on her near hind.  Initially it was thought she had locked a stifle and pulled a muscle, but nerve blocking has ascertained that its lower. It could be side-bone, in fact at her age i would be surprised if she doesn't have some sort of Arthritis, but it came on suddenly. There are several ligaments and tendons around the Fetlock that can be pulled or strained. Tomorrow she will have an x-ray which will coincide with the Farrier visiting, so the experts can have a con-flab. 
More news to follow....

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