Friday 18 March 2016

A Lovely Day For It

Woooooo.....I have been moving furniture and cars today (as well as doing the ponies).....and am absolutely knackered.  So the words may be few on this post, as my brain is already in bed asleep. Despite this not being a weather channel I must report it has been bitterly cold this week....North Easterly Winds.  But on Thursday, the wind dropped and it was lovely and sunny.  Time for some fun... Jo and I  had a lovely hack down the lane and up around the lovely sandy tracks that border the farm fields.  I shut Scrumpy in the car this time, so she didn't follow.  Obviously we took Lulu and Daisy, so it was Charlies' first time being left alone.....Although the other ponies are only in the next field the other side of the hedge. Good job I took his rug off.....The hysteria started as soon as we went down the drive.  We could hear him neighing most of the hack, bless him.
Now Daisy is an odd girl on a hack.....Bombproof is the word.  In the 'school', or pottering round our own fields she is on her toes, but as soon as she's out, she turns into a riding school pony.  Lu on the other hand is on her toes.  We passed some bins, Lu stopping, then passing sideways....Daisy went straight over to see if they contained food. Even when a pheasant flew up she only jumped as much as I did!  
So when we got back, I was relieved to see Charlie still galloping up and down....still in the field and not a broken leg in sight!  He had sweated up though, and was foaming well, but it was still warm, so I was able to leave him naked to dry and pop back later.

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