Friday 11 March 2016

A Blast From the Past, And Spring has Sprung

Ok Ok its NOT a weather channel.....but i just have to say.....Its been sunny and almost warm for a couple of days now.  We have been de-rugging during the day.....Ourselves and the ponies. 
And so yesterday......My old mukka Tess came for a visit.  We go back to working in Riding School Days. She was my right hand man/woman at the Rda for 10 years, and my partner in crime on the infamous Ridgeway Romp (see ).
Tess is in Suffolk sorting out the complete shit-tip her tennant left her house in, and so was in dire need of horse therapy.  So we tacked up all 3 big ponies. Tess rode Daisy, and Jo on Lulu.  While they rode around the 'school' (about 20sq feet of roped off area), I hung about the mounting block....hanging over Charlie. Then we went out for a wander down the lane.  Charlie was a star, splashing through puddles, ignoring sheep and bins.....oh and bin-men....and naughty jack russells (Scrumpy) that tried to follow.  At the turn around (it was a there and back hack) Jo and I swapped.  As I was at that point, springing up in the stirrups as if to mount, I think she thought I was about to back my pony for the first time hatless and out on a hack......I may have been.  I think Charlie thought I might too.
When we got back Tess and I swapped, as Lu is like a Ferrari compared to Daisy, who is like a large ship.  We then posed for pics and did a short ride and lead..... Charlie off Daisy.  I bet he was tired!

Today I thought I would lunge B.  B the unrideable.  B the Biatch.  What a star. She is an absolute pleasure to lunge.  So I slapped a saddle on her, not a flinch. Lent on her....No reaction.  If I was still 7 and a half stone I would have got on. I think she will make a great childs pony now she has relaxed. This pony has become so laid back since she has been here.
Seriously considering doing Rehab for Ponies!
First 'hack'

Ridgeway Rompers back in the saddle

Ponying Charlie

Jo and Bee

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