Tuesday 9 November 2021

Handy Pony, Halloween and Help I'm Totally Running Out Of Food!!!

 Well we are indeed in need of a catch-up!! The Handy Pony classes were so much fun. We made a tunnel of hoops and flags, and Charlie did indeed pull the sledge carrying a 2ft green alien!  The ridden was also great fun and both myself and Jo managed to dislodge parts of the tunnel!!!! Even Nancy and Mini joined in and I went to give her some guidance in filming a smooth show.  Sharn't be doing that again!! She beat me!! In fact Nancy and Mini came 2nd, and Me and Charlie came 4th.  Neither Daisy or Lu placed in the Ridden, but we missed out hard (Not Possible) things such as backing.

As soon as we had entered our Handy Pony Films, my mind was on The Halloween Fancy Dress Classes. There was In-hand (Charlie), Ridden (Daisy) and Spookiest Show (Charlie). There was a great excitement at The Top Barn Hub over these classes.  I think deep down, no matter how old we are, we still wish we were those carefree gymkhana kids we once were. I promptly ordered a gory hand, a plastic scythe and some Halloween webs and banners. 

A large box was cut up into gravestones and painted with slightly amusing epitaphs, my mothers 'Cupboard of Doom' was raided for old lace tablecloths, and our precious Fancy Dress suitcase was opened where I found the black cloaks needed for the Grim Reaper. I spent an evening making a tattered wedding dress out of the tablecloths and an afternoon pressing studs into a piece of leather making a gimp mask for Charlie!

I filmed the Ridden with Daisy first, with Jo as my camera manwoman and wardrobe assistant. Daisy and I became the gruesome Corpse Bride and Steed. Top Tip..Put the fake blood on the costume and let it dry before putting it on the pony! Daisy is still pink! Leaving the Spooktacular Show till last, Jo helped me and Charlie film the In-hand class. I'd been teaching Charlie to hold the Scythe and at one point he nearly beheaded both me and Prudence the Bulldog.

I had been holding off filming the Spooktacular Show as I was teaching Charlie to sweep the sand on top of the gravestone to cover up the bones sticking out! In the end I failed to catch it on film!!!!  There were several failures!  I had the set the props up in the 'School'.  Whilst picking up Charlies raggedly hood, I discovered a large spider had taken a fancy to it for its winter nest. Somehow with me yelling and shaking the hood, the Spider ended up on my shoulder, which caused complete meltdown from me, screaming like a banshee and beating at my own body like some deranged self flagellating monk.

Mark the Mechanic and Part Time Horse Whisperer had volunteered to film with different cameras set up at different angles.  Filming was due to commence at dusk.  I went down early, to move the Mini herd, who had spent a couple of days being lawn-mowers in the 'School', fetch Charlie in and feed him, and generally be all ready to roll.  The Minis had trashed the props, which all needed picking up and placing again, Lil was thundering about, thrilled to be back out in the Hill Field, the wind was getting up towards Gale-Force, a muntjac was making an unearthly screaming, and Charlie just wasn't having it.  At the sight of Mark the Mechanic and Part time Horse Whisperer, in the school, he lost the plot. Having galloped around wildly snorting a few times I told Mark to go. When Charlie has these feral moments not much can bring him back to tame.  Mark had no sooner got into his car when Charlie broke through the electric fencing surrounding the 'School' and chased after him, trailing fencing behind him.  I ran (YES RAN) down the Hill, to find Mark in front of his car doing a sterling job of Horse Whispering and defending the beloved Beemer.

The next morning dawned wet and windy. I crept out at first light, moved all the props to the Round Pen, swiftly re-thought the whole show and marched grimly up to get Charlie in.  When I say marched grimly, I actually mean limped pathetically as I had damaged the dodgy knee during the 5 second sprint the day before. However Charlie thought I was marching grimly and believed me when I said I wanted no nonsense, as it was our last chance to film. He was a good boy, and although having no camera man was a bit frustrating, as the wind kept blowing the tripod over, but we got filmed. 

I am so pleased to have found out since that we got 3rd with Daisy and 3rd and 5th with Charlie. Thank you Top Barn.

Anyway I am writing this from a glass box in Papworth Hospital. I have a line that goes from a pump into my heart delivering drugs direct.  Its not working for me  so i am having it out. However its not that simple, so i am looking at my 2nd week trapped here. After nearly wasting away last time, I bought a weeks worth of snacks, thinking id be home by now. But I'm not. The latest guess is Friday release. And I am totally running out of food!!!!

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