Wednesday 24 November 2021

Back To Normal Whatever That Is and A New Book (Shameless Plug)

 At last I was released from prison (I mean hospital). The first thing I did was get a decent coffee from Costa. I had hoped to see Charlie on the way home but predictably we got caught in an hour long traffic jam, so it was dark when we finally arrived back in Suffolk.   For those that don't know I have Dodgy Lungs and a Dicky Ticker. Back in July I had a line fitted into my heart and received IV drugs via a sexy pump worn at my waist. I hated it. My body hated it and the side effects meant I was constantly throwing up, having headaches, muscle aches and hot flushes. On top of that the pump was incredibly annoying and my heart was rejecting the line. I had a choice of having it re-positioned and taking anti rejection drugs, or having it removed which the hospital did not recommend. Obviously I chose to have the damn thing taken out.  Apparently I may suffer "Sudden Decline" but my body has spoken!  On top of that I did some research.  Apparently in Canada they are removing IV lines in favour of the Oral drug that I have gone back to. Its a newish drug ( I did the Drug Trial for it originally) so no-one actually knows the long term benefits. That's good enough for me. The side effects are unpleasant (mostly headaches and large muscle aches in my case), and daily, but only last 3 hours or so. I feel I have a life back. I can have a shower and actually get wet at the same time.  In fact I can get wet full stop. I don't have a stupid pump constantly bleeping when something goes wrong, I don't have to spend half an hour a day mixing drugs and I can roll over in bed without risking pulling the line out. And best of all I can ride without worrying about the consequences of a fall (apart from gasping for air or passing out). 

While I was in hospital I finished the book I started earlier in the year when I was incarcerated having the line put it.  So it wasn't a total waste of time!  its called Tails From the RDA (about the 10 years I spent as Yard Manager at Hollesley RDA). I screwed up the formatting (Word has never been my strong point) but the book is available on Kindle (Oh the shameless plugging!!!).  There will be a paperback, with photos when I get my head round formatting.

I'm so crap at this stuff I don't even know if the link I have just posted will work!

Anyway, so at last I got home. Didn't know weather to stuff my face with actual edible food, or open the exciting post from Top Barn first. I did both. While I was away my rosettes from the Handy Pony and The Halloween Comp had arrived!

Having been told to "do nothing strenuous" and "keep heart rate below 100bmp" for 6 weeks, I raced to the Farm early the next day.  Charlie was gratifyingly happy to see me, nickering and racing to the gate. However after a long long cuddle and lots of muddy mustache kisses he buggered off back to his friends.  When presented with his rosettes he wouldn't let me attach them to his headcollar, viewing them much as I would if presented with a large hairy spider.  Daisy was much more accommodating, wearing what is probably her first rosette ever. 

So the last week I have been "taking it easy", having breakfast with Charlie and working on some patterns and basic leading. I have recorded the metres covered on Equilab, but even I realise now that finishing those 100 miles before xmas is impossible!  I am aiming for 50 miles instead.  So thats half the distance in twice the time! Impressive hey?

But as I am starting to feel stronger the pull of those points for the Top Barn league are calling.  Is it possible to still do the Jumping Classes? I have 5 days. Can I get Charlie jumping in hand in that time?  He can certainly jump, but is not too keen on lunging. And what about Daisy?  She absolutely does not jump. But maybe the patterns are possible in the poles only class? She will probably buck, but without the pump who cares? Will i give it a go? Come back in a couple of weeks to find out!

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