Wednesday 24 April 2019

Easter Party And You Are Never Too Old to Learn

Finally the weather perked up and we had our Easter Party.  (More eggs were boiled!)  Sadly some children had already gone back to school, but it may have actually been calmer with less girls!!

Eli brought over her elderly but amazing Twix, and a new loan pony called Abby, who is a tall and very stunning Welsh Sec B.  I have to confess, she looked way too tall and leggy to me, for a Sec B, but she has a passport and we measured her.  She was just under 13.2hh.  We also measured Lily the other day, who came up at 12.3hh. As Daisy and Lu who are both only 14.2hh seem quite big to me, I can only conclude that I am shrinking with age!! 

So we had a great day. The girls had a short hack, followed by a lesson. Then they learnt to lunge, rugging, and points of the pony before lunch.

After lunch we had 'Field Maintenance,  Ok.... Poo Picking!  It has to done blah blah.  Its all part of owning a pony. The girls seemed happy!!!

Better than being indoors on The Play Station huh?  When I was a child (after I had finished my breakfast of road gravel, and polished the road with my tongue) I was taught to always look after my animals first! No matter how wet, cold, tired I was, make sure the dogs/cats/ponies/goldfish were seen to first!

After all that hard work we had gymkhana games. Always a laugh. Its the one thing that makes me sad about being an (aging) adult....No more Gymkhana games. And Bills, Wrinkles, and a stiff non bouncy body.....But mostly not being able to do Gymkhana.
The eggs got battered, everyone had fun. Gymkana has a purpose!  The kids are so busy trying to win, they forget fear, or to hold on with their hands etc. Its a great way of installing confidence.

And so to more serious stuff.. Charlie.  If you have been following, you will know Charlie has been special.  My normal attitude with horses throughout my life has been Gung-Ho to say the least. Get on, hope for the best, don't fall off.  Its half wild? Never mild, just ride it. take it to the shops, jump it, hunt it.....Its nervous?  What the hell, take it on a 120mile ride.  Two young just cut geldings? Pony them around the village on a mare. It bucks, rears, bolts? Sit it out and laugh. But with my dodgy lungs etc, and Charlies history (ie being taken off his mother and on his way to become a Tesco meal), not to mention his half sighted eye and riggy tendencies i have tried to slow up. 

Having tried to back Charlie as a 3 year old, and learning that flying lessons hurt at my age with my dodgy lungs and dicky ticker, i backed off. I have spent the last 3 years gaining his trust.  I have now sat on him, and rode him briefly in the School.  But, despite our good relationship, the basic building blocks are missing.....and this time round, I need a pony that will die for me. I need and want a two way relationship.

And so, I called in Bridget Colston for help.  Bridget books horses for Monty Roberts, and is fully trained in Intelligent Horsemanship.  We can all read the books and watch videos. But as I have said before, Horsemanship can't be taught, it is in you... or not. I watched a Monty Roberts demo in my twenties, and have studied horse language ever since. I think i have a pretty good handle on how horses think and can read most horses.  But, with your own you can sometimes get lost. Not read all the signs.  

And so I got Bridget in to help with the missing bits..... Yes Charlie will lunge, and long rein....but only if I get after him.  If he doesn't want to do something, he will get bolshy.  Is he just being naughty?  Or is he scared?  I am too close to see the answer. Bridget heard him immediately. Yes he is worried. She slowed things right down.  Today I feel humbled.  You are never too old to learn! And so, with a few more tools, Charlie and I will start again, and get it right before we move on.  

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