Tuesday 16 April 2019

New Tractor, Cold Winds, Cow Hysterics and Riding The Babies

I have a huge grin on my face as I am writing this.....because this week I have finally ridden Charlie (without being thrown into the next County!), but more on that later (Sorry Spoiler Alert).

So Jo bought a new tractor.  Not a lawn mower...but a real Mini Tractor, a John Deere if you are a tractor fanatic.  We are thrilled with it. It starts each morning...and has way more pulling power. I spent two days hankering to plough a field with it...until it rained.

We were planning a pony party on Monday just gone, but the weather scuppered our plans.  There was actual snow on Saturday!!  Having already hard boiled and painted the eggs for the egg and spoon race, it seemed a shame to waste them.  So little Nancy who came up for a ride and Shaneece Who Helps on Saturdays (and had came to help with the Party) had a lesson from me, and learnt the art of egg and spoon racing. 

Lulu may have been more interested in bullying Dora

And so to COWS!! Last week we went out with Shaneece on Daisy, Nancy on Dora and Mini in hand, for yet another 'Meet and Cow Greet'.  As we approached they cavorted over.  Suspecting Dora may spook, I asked Rob (Nancy's Dad) to be ready to catch the child.  As predicted, Dora span, throwing Nancy safely into her Dads' arms.  Couldn't have done it better if we had practised!! Mini, who has probably never seen cows before, freaked out, Daisy nonchalantly sniffed and nipped them, before grazing quietly while the little ponies sorted themselves out.  It took a while, but eventually both the little 'uns dared to get close enough for a sniff and the drama was over.  Trouble is the cows run over.
I was dreading Charlies encounter with them!  Jo and I decided not only did we have to train the ponies to become bored with the cows, we also had to ignore the cows so they became bored with the ponies.  The next day they were gone!!

Daisy... Not Bovvered

Dora.....Drama Queen

Mini..... WTF?

So onto the babies (Charlie and Lil).  Grin factor Alert.  Jo and I had hatched a plan.  While Charlie has allowed me (and a couple of kids) to sit on him, he has got stuck, and not moved forward, preferring to back up, which is the beginning of his default setting to rear. Charlie cannot be forced to do anything...that just causes a fight.  So we decided as he loves his food, Jo would stand a little way in front of him with carrots, so it was his decision to move forwards, instead off up and down and exploding.  It worked!!  
Yesterday, we just went half way round the 'School'.  All his decision.  Today we walked all the way round!!  I even suggested with a bit of leg pressure and a vocal command that he might like to walk on . He feels solid and sure of his balance,  and calm!

Lil has had a few kids sitting on her, and Ellie rode her a circuit on Saturday.  Much younger, but a sensible girl.  Today I rode her a few circuits, with Jo in front of her.  We did a few bending poles with open steering, and some stop starts.  Although Lil is smaller and narrower than Charlie, and still feels a bit like a fawn finding its feet, she was very relaxed and seems to be happy to work.
No photos, but we have a short video (possibly).  So proud of these Gypsy Cob Babies.


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