Saturday 4 May 2019

Learning The Lines and Rearing Ponies!!

You know how sometimes you can go through life, and learn a skill, but still miss something out?  Oddly Jo and I both skipped lunging, with two reins!  We have both had youngsters, broke ponies and I even worked on a driving yard. 

Having both worked at Livery/Eventing/Showing Yards, most of our lunging has been for exercise or to build up topline. My driving long lining consisted of wandering for miles, two inches behind a horse with driving reins...err...driving it forward.  

So after Bridgets visit, my mission has been to master lunging with two reins. I have to say, I'm pretty cack-handed with lunge lines and am just as likely to wrap myself in them, as to control the horse!!

So on Tuesday Viv came to visit.  Having told her all about the new mission she kindly offered to come back the following day and give us lessons. First we tried with Lil, who went well with Viv, but was a little confused with Jo and I. Then we tried Charlie, who was pretty good and very laid back with the reins around his hocks!!  Viv suggested we practise with a smaller, older pony. Cue Dora. Dora can be a bit of a brat.  She especially objects to being lunged as it means working!!  To our surprise, she went really well for Viv.  She even stayed calm for Jo and I.  Bad luck Dora.....You are our practise pony!!!

And more about Dora!  This post should have simply been called Dora (a brat).  Dora didn't want to work today.....Okay so its been blowing a Northern Hoolie, bringing Sleet and Hail (Yes it is May).  I had just arrived this morning, to be greeted with Jo holding a sullen looking Dora....She had refused to go down the drive, even with Mini. Jo asked me to go for a walk out, with her, Dora, Poppy (one of the Saturday Kids),  a schooling whip and various dogs.  We went down the drive....Dora had one eye on the whip I carried (or maybe it was my coffee which i also carried).  Down the drive, along the lane....only minimal protests from Dora. Poppy fed her a polo, then we did it again.  Again Dora complied, although she was on her toes.  Poppy couldn't ride her back because she didn't have a hat.  Neither did I.....But I am an adult. So I hopped on her. I always feel a bit guilty riding Dora, as she is only 11.2hh and I am 5ft 5in. Its like sitting on a narrow pole. Despite the fact my feet are waaay below her belly I am only 9 stone and she is a very sturdy welsh (before you start throwing rotten tomatoes at me).  If I thought for one minute she was struggling, I wouldn't do it. However, she is more than happy to jog and prance while carrying me.

She had started to relax, thinking we were going home, and she was done.  BUT she had one more lesson!!  As we got to the school, I tried to turn in. Dora Was Not Having It.  We somehow got past the gate to the school (she is a strong little bugger).  I went to turn her back....And she reared, plunged and bucked!!!  No problem leaving the ground with all four feet then, despite the great burden she carried. She very nearly had me off!!!!  Sitting in (just) a childs saddle, with no stirrups, I had to do some weird body swerve to stay on.  Funny though.  Dora and I may be having a hack alone later this week....Though I think I better have a bigger saddle and maybe stirrups. 

PS... I love Dora!!!

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