Friday 4 January 2019

A Slightly Mad Xmas, and Happy New Year...

So Xmas got very sociable!!!!  First up we had a Mini Pony Party. About 12 girls played gymkhana games and pony glittered.  Lu was brought in for gymkhana which may have been a little beneath her Eliteness!!

But Mini enjoyed it....

On Xmas Eve Rob and Meg brought a 'Picnic' up......which was actually an oven to make wood fired pizza which was yummy.....Good job the O'conners turned up to help us eat it all!!

Xmas day itself I wasn't doing anything special so volunteered for the poo picking. It was a beautiful sunny day and I took a lot of selfies and general pics. The Ponies looked like they had been to the pub the night before.  There was a lot of dozing going on. Mini was happy to do the 'Xmas Pose'

Boxing day!!!! Maybe least said the better Lol.  Please stop reading right now if you are anyway BHS or Health and Safety conscious!! I went on a Boxing Day Alcohol Hunt with Sarah. I truely meant not to drink much.........
I borrowed a horse off Georgie who shares grazing with Sarah.  Monty, a lovely big black cob, who hasn't been out for ages. (Poor Monty). With Sarah on her lovely William, we started with a glass of port. And off we set.  The idea is to ride around Aldeburgh blagging drinks!!!  I have to say....we DID have fluorescent sheets on the horses (Aldeburgh being full of tourists at xmas).  The first two stops we received very pokey sloe gin.  By the time we got into the High Street to stop at the White Hart, we threw caution to the wind and opted for Zambuka Shots!! 

More Zambuka at Dps Bar.  By this time we were hugely photographed, while grinning like loons and waving like the Queen. We went home via the beach, somehow avoiding the hoards of walkers, calling in for a final glass of Champagne at the last house. It seemed wrong not to attempt to finish the bottle of Port when we got back!!

As if all this wasn't enough Jo turned 60 during the week so on Saturday she had Tackroom Cocktails... Or as I kept saying Cockroom Tactails!!   The Cocktails in question were Champagne Cocktails, made with Champagne, Brandy, Angostura Bitters and a Sugar Lump.  The Tackroom was packed and people were very merry!!!!  BTW - The horses were looked after first!!!

On New Years Eve we had a very eventful ride.  And that was before any alcohol was imbibed!!!!   It all started out innocently enough.  Meg was all set to take Nancy for a plod on Mini.  As Daisy was looking sound, we were talking about taking her for a walk. So I suggested Nancy ride her, led by Meg, while Jo and I accompanied with Lu and Molly.  Molly was like a cat on hot bricks!!! She just wanted to go.  Which was not possible with a 5 year old on Daisy. The more I held her back the worse she became, gathering her body up and cantering sideways. So we turned back. Not the best idea!!  Molly revved up more, and then Daisy (who was very sound), thought a jog would do no harm. She jogs a lot with me, I find it quite comfortable as I am used to it, but actually its quite bouncy.  Too bouncy for a 5 year old!  
Molly was completely sideways at this point, so I saw poor little Nancy fall. Quite a long way down off a 14.2hh when you are 5.  After years working at an Equestrian Centre and the RDA my instinct when a rider is down is to jump off to assist.  So thats what I did.. As I started back up the track with Molly, it dawned on me that it would be nearly impossible to grab Daisy without Molly kicking her, as they haven't really made friends!
Thankfully Nancy was fine, although didn't want to get back on, which left her walking while Meg led Daisy, after helping me back up, which wasn't easy as Molly wouldn't stand still. I rode back with one stirrup 4 holes longer than the other, while Molly still pranced!
When we got back Nancy agreed to ride Lu in the school and had a lovely time. I never forget being told by my Dad that you have to get straight back up. (I think that was when I was 6, after I had concussion from my hatless head being knocked against a road as the pony I was on bolted while I was being dragged as my plimsoled foot had gone through the stirrup)

And so as Jo and I have a New Years Resolution to ride more for fun, and try to find more of a work/fun balance, we took Lu and Daisy out for a nice long hack on Wednesday. We went down the lanes of Snape, across the common to the Burger Van, where I was tempted by an eat now pay later burger.  Lu was bored by the time it was cooked and black clouds were coming over, so we legged it down the road that takes us back to the Farm tracks, while I was still eating.  Yes awfully BHS to be trotting down the road, scoffing a burger (I did lose a few onions!). 

It has turned a bit colder today.....But we still haven't rugged.  They are all furry and not at all cold. Its easy to think of the horse being as cold as we are...BUT they survived the Ice Age.  They have thick skin and coats. We don't!.  We are feeding plenty of Hay and they still have grass.  Plenty of forage equals an internal central heating system. 

Meanwhile as cold humans we have a lovely wood burner on the go in the tack room.

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