Friday 11 January 2019

The Top Barn 12 Week Challenge

So I got invited to the Top Barn 12 Week Challenge on Faceache. Its a brilliant idea.  There is limited sign up.....About a thousand of us. You commit to a certain amount of Horsemanship Hours a week... I chose Bronze Level which is only 3 hours a week....But as I am doing Groundwork with a goal to ride with Charlie, its plenty.  There is a worksheet to fill in.  There are also Mini Challenges to be done. On the Groundwork Challenge this ranges from Lunging a few circuits, to teaching the horse to lay down on command!

In January when the daylight hours are limited, and its cold, this is great motivation!!  What a brilliant idea.  There is a competition. At the end of the 12 weeks, the admin will trawl through the millions of hours of uploaded vids and chose a winner for a weeks holiday at Top Barn in Gloucestershire. 

I have never come across such a supportive ( and motivated) group on line.  The levels of horsemanship range from first time owners to experienced competitors. Everyone has a demon, or challenge to conquer.  Across the land brave pants are coming out. And people are killing off Mobile Phones while trying to video such bravery.

With this motivation, I have worked Charlie almost every day. I am making videos which can be seen on my You Tube Channel....Not sure how you find it....but they are ending up on our Facebook page, East Suffolk Ponies. By the end of this challenge I may be riding Charlie, if not I will be a proficient Video Editor...even if I have no clue how to share the links !!!!!

In the meantime.....a photo LOL!!!

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