Tuesday 18 December 2018

Back To Normal....And A Plan

Oh boy are we glad to get back to normal!!  Despite Storm Deirdre, that brought cold winds, and freezing rain, we are happy bunnies, and the work load seems so much lighter. Its sooo nice to have them all back together.

On Saturday we thought we would put Molly in with Charlie and the girls in with Lil. You know what thinking did!!! Jo and Ellie got Daisy and Lu, while I got Molly. As soon as I got Molly to the gate Charlie raced over doing his stallion thing, while Molly reacted by rearing, and spinning to kick him. My hands were so cold, she pulled the rope clean through them and took off. One impressive leap later and she was back in with Lily!!  I've had horses jump out of fields and stables before.....But never back in!! So we left them as they were.  Molly and Lily are thick as thieves at the moment....even grooming each other.  But we know Lil is fickle when it comes to friends, so we will wait until the time is right.

Molly is very good at communicating what she wants.  Just before Deirdre arrived I tried to rug her.  After she took off bucking the first time, I tried again. This time I got the front straps done up (despite the faces), and then she took off again. It took a few minutes to persuade her i was going to take it away. No one else is rugged, but I thought she might appreciate it, being older. Apparently not. 

So the only one moved is Daisy. Being a bit 'Footy' we thought it best she went in with Mini and Dora, who have no grass left to speak of. Daisy is so laid back she can go in with anyone.  Dora seems to think Daisy is her mummy and is attached to her 24/7. 

After Storm Deirdre left the sun came out and they all had a good run about, frolicking in the sun for fun.  Its lovely to see.  We also brought Lu and Charlie in and set about them with scissors, rakes and grooming mitts, trying to remove some of the Ufford mud. They both seemed to really enjoy the attention.
Jo took Lu off to the school, where she danced and pranced. Meanwhile I took Charlie to the round pen where he was eager to please, even letting me lay across him. 

Time to get him riding!!  I have a hankering for another adventure while I still can.  Having sold the idea to Tess (my old partner in crime for the Ridgeway Romp), I am thinking of doing Peddars Way.  Its only 46 miles long and runs from Thetford in Suffolk to the North Norfolk Coast.  We could do it in 3 days easily. We wouldn't need back up like The Ridgeway.  Just a lift to the start and home again. We are thinking next Summer.....

Dora and Daisy



 Charlie Back to work in the Round Pen

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