Thursday 13 December 2018

The Boys Are Back In Town...

Actually that should be girls and a boy! But that doesn't quite work as a title for anyone that remembers Thin Lizzy!!!!
Anyway after 6 long weeks Lu, Daisy and Charlie are back at the Farm after a very rough roughing off holiday. They had a whale of a time, scoffing 3 acres of lush grass, rolling in lots of mud, and doing nothing. During that time we had a lot of rain, and they were in very sheltered and low marshland, surrounded by streams. We have never seen them so muddy!!!

Jo and I have been run ragged, doing the Farm ponies and shunting off to the Holiday Ponies, where we have had to poo pick in thick mud with wheel barrows....BTW Thanks to everyone that has helped (Clare, Meg, Rob, Viv, Ellie and Girls).  We love you all.

Finally the buggers finished the grass!!!!  Meanwhile back at the Farm the four girls (Molly, Lil, Dora and Mini) have been getting on well and been moved to the Winter Grazing (the 4 acre).  The little uns have been giving lessons, and Molly has been out a few times.  (Once ridden by Clare and accompanied by me on Dora!!!!!!!! Sorry Dora....Although she did manage to rear!!) Clare took Molly out on Tuesday alone and she was like a cat on hot bricks!!  Feeling well!!

And so the day finally came (Oh yes we are soooo glad to get them back under one roof so to speak). We had planned the day carefully, until Ed rung to say he was on his way (2 hours early).  We raced over, loaded the car with the water bins, and caught them up. The lorry is too big for the drive, so I planned to ride Lu and lead the other two up the (very long) drive, while Jo brought the car. BUT.....They were fairly excited, not to mention a little feral. Lu absolutely would not stand still next to a fence for me to get on. My days of vaulting on from the ground are long gone! Meanwhile the other two were pulling like steam trains so we ended up leading them on foot.  Or should that be following them??  

Lu loaded first, while I hung on with all my strength to Daisy and Charlie.  Next up a very keen Daisy, (Charlie was trotting circles at this point)!  Charlie practically loaded himself.  Once again they travelled really well. Thank you Ed for your help and smooth driving. 

Arriving home, they realised things had changed.  Lil has become the dominant mare and theres a stranger in situ. We managed to drag them up to the far end of the 4 acre to let them sort themselves out!!

Lu is furious with the changes, Charlie excited to see his girls and a new mare, Daisy catatonic!!  They were all lying down fast asleep this morning, while Lil patrols the fence to ensure Molly cannot say hello!!  On Saturday, Molly will be moving in with Charlie, and Lil will have to answer for her cheekiness to Lu and Daisy.  Watch this space.

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